Unleashing Your Inner Hero: Embracing Strengths, Recognizing Kryptonite, and Overcoming Limitations

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
3 min readApr 11, 2023

Who is your inner hero?

We all have a hero within us. This hero represents our strengths, qualities, and unique attributes that make us special. It’s easy to overlook these strengths and focus on our flaws, but taking the time to recognize and acknowledge our inner hero can be incredibly empowering.

Think about what makes you feel strong and capable. Maybe you’re a great problem solver, an excellent communicator, or a creative thinker. Maybe you always try to see the best in people or a natural leader who inspires others.

Whatever your strengths may be, they are an essential part of who you are and can be used to accomplish great things. Focusing on your inner hero canreframe how you look at yourself and start to see yourself in a more positive light.

Amplifying your strengths

Once you’ve identified your inner hero, the next step is to amplify your strengths. This means finding ways to use your strengths to your advantage and build on them.

For example, if you’re a great problem solver, you could volunteer to lead a project at work that involves complex problem-solving. If you’re an excellent communicator, you could join a public speaking club to further develop your communication skills.

By actively seeking out opportunities to use your strengths, you’ll improve your skills and gain confidence in yourself.

Recognizing your Kryptonite

Just like Superman has his Kryptonite, our strengths can sometimes become our weaknesses. For example, someone who is an excellent listener may struggle with setting boundaries and saying no to others, leading to burnout and exhaustion.

It’s essential to recognize your Kryptonite, or the areas where your strengths may become weaknesses, to prevent them from holding you back.

To do this, take some time to reflect on your behaviours and tendencies. Ask yourself if your strengths are helping you or hindering you in certain situations. You may also ask for feedback from others to better understand how yourstrengths are perceived.

Overcoming your Kryptonite

Once you’ve identified your Kryptonite, the next step is to work on overcoming it. This involves developing strategies to manage your weaknesses and prevent them from holding you back.

For example, if you’re someone who struggles with saying no, you could practice setting boundaries and saying no in low-risk situations to build your confidence. You could also work on developing assertiveness skills to communicate your needs more effectively.

It’s important to remember that overcoming your Kryptonite is a process that takes time and effort. It’s okay to make mistakes and have setbacks along the way, but the important thing is to keep moving forward.

Embracing your inner hero

By embracing your inner hero and working to overcome your Kryptonite, you can become the best version of yourself. You’ll be able to use your strengths to achieve your goals and manage your weaknesses to prevent them from holding you back.

Remember that your inner hero is unique to you. Your strengths, qualities, and attributes are what make you special, and they’re something to be proud of. By focusing on your inner hero and embracing it fully, you’ll be able to accomplish great things and live a fulfilling life.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions