Unravelling the Impact of Roles: Labels That Matter

David McThomas
Coaching Conversations
4 min readAug 28, 2023

Labels, in theory, shouldn’t matter, but in reality, they do. In today’s workplace, roles play a significant role (pun intended) in shaping how we act and interact with each other. Whether it’s a Scrum Master, Delivery Manager, or Agile Coach, the way these roles are perceived and understood can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and even a lack of responsibility. In this post, let’s dive into the intriguing world of labels and their powerful influence. Buckle up, folks! It’s going to be a wild ride through the twists and turns of role dynamics.

The Many Faces of Roles

Let’s start our exploration by peering into the kaleidoscope of roles. Like a chameleon changing colors, roles come in various flavors, from Agile Practitioner to Agile Coach and everything in between. It’s like a buffet of job titles, each offering a unique blend of responsibilities and expectations. So, grab your plate and let’s delve into the tantalizing variations of roles.

Misunderstanding, Confusion, and Lack of Responsibility

Roles may appear straightforward on paper but can be as confusing as a Rubik’s Cube in practice. This section unravels the common pitfalls that often plague our understanding of roles.

  • Misunderstanding: Ah, the classic case of assuming instead of asking. People often interpret their roles without seeking clarification, leading to a symphony of missed cues and misalignment. It’s like playing a game of telephone, where the message gets distorted along the way. Let’s break this cycle of confusion and embark on a quest for clarity!

Tip: Embrace the power of open communication and foster a culture where questions are encouraged. Remember, there’s no shame in seeking clarity — it’s the key to harmony in the workplace.

  • Confusion: Beware the monstrous hybrid roles! When organizations blend responsibilities like a mixtape gone wrong, it’s no wonder confusion ensues. Picture this: an amalgamation of Scrum Master and Delivery Manager, resulting in a chaotic tug-of-war between autonomy and control. It’s like trying to blend oil and water — messy and impossible.

Tip: Advocate for role clarity and untangle the web of responsibilities. Let each role shine with its unique purpose, allowing individuals to thrive without feeling like they’re walking a tightrope.

  • Lack of Responsibility: In the land of roles, responsibility reigns supreme. But alas, there are those who wear the title without embracing the weight it carries. They’re like cats who claim to be lions — roaring in public but lounging in the sun when nobody’s watching. Let’s banish this lacklustre behaviour and foster a culture of true accountability.

Tip: Set clear expectations and empower individuals to step into their role’s responsibilities. Encourage a sense of ownership, where actions align with words and progress fuels growth.

Switching the Label: A Transformational Trap

Ah, the enchanting allure of label switching. During times of transformation, organizations often engage in a grand game of musical chairs with roles. It’s like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic — hoping the new labels will magically fix the underlying issues.

Embracing a Label-less Culture

In this section, let’s break free from the shackles of labels and venture into a world of role fluidity and impact-driven collaboration. It’s time to embrace the power of roles without letting them confine us.

  • Role Fluidity: Like shape-shifters, individuals possess a multitude of talents and capabilities beyond their designated roles. By embracing role fluidity, we unlock a treasure trove of skills, adapting to the ever-changing needs of our teams and organizations. It’s like being a versatile performer who dances between genres — blending and evolving to create something extraordinary.

Tip: Encourage individuals to explore their passions, expand their skill sets, and embrace opportunities beyond the confines of their predefined roles. Let them soar to new heights and surprise you with their hidden talents.

  • Focus on Impact: Instead of fixating on labels, let’s redirect our gaze toward impact — the true measure of success. It’s like being a conductor leading an orchestra, where each player’s contribution matters more than the instrument they hold. We create a symphony of collaboration and innovation by shifting the spotlight from titles to outcomes.

Tip: Celebrate individuals’ impact, regardless of their specific role or label. Encourage a culture where everyone’s contributions are valued, appreciated, and recognized.

In the curious world of roles and labels, we discover that they hold power — an influence that can either empower or hinder success. By unravelling the mysteries of roles, embracing clarity, and fostering a culture of responsibility, we unlock the potential for growth, collaboration, and harmony in the workplace. So, let’s shed the shackles of misunderstandings, banish confusion, and embark on a label-less journey where the magic lies in our collective contributions.



David McThomas
Coaching Conversations

Dedicated to unlocking Human and Organisational potential, through Professional Coaching and Powerful Breakthrough Questions