Coaching Success is About What You Do — Not What You Know

A is for action

Alisa Barcan
Coaching for a Living
5 min readFeb 22, 2021


Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

Action is the foundational key to all success — Pablo Picasso

A coaching qualification doesn’t guarantee a successful coaching business. Being a very good coach doesn’t do it either, unfortunately. This might sound obvious to you, but for a lot of new coaches, there is a disconnect there.

As a financial coach and business mentor, I frequently see my clients go through the same cycle. They finish their qualification thinking (hoping) that now they’re a qualified coach, clients will come knocking at their door waving their credit cards. When that doesn’t happen, they take another coaching qualification or course, in the hope that it will be enough to generate clients. That’s not how it works.

To build a successful coaching business one has to do more than learn how to coach — they must take consistent action towards getting in front of the right clients and selling their services to them. They don’t teach you that as part of your coaching studies.

This article will highlight the different actions you need to take to make your coaching business a successful one.



Alisa Barcan
Coaching for a Living

Financial coach and business mentor for coaches who want to build financially viable coaching businesses.