Make More Money as a Coach by Avoiding These Mistakes

Advice from a business coach

Alisa Barcan
Coaching for a Living


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

It’s perfectly acceptable to want to make (more) money in your coaching business.

There, I’ve said it. I’m not afraid or ashamed to admit that money is an important aspect of my coaching business. Yes, I want to make an impact and help people, but I also want to eat, pay the bills, and live a little.

If you take your money goals seriously, you’ll be wise to avoid the following common traps that can prevent you from moving the financial needle in your coaching business.

Trying to be a coach for anyone and everyone

I see this a lot with new coaches who are nervous to narrow their area of focus because they think it restricts them financially and/or they don’t want to commit to only coaching within a specific niche.

The more specific you are about the type of coaching you offer, the clearer you can articulate how you help clients and the benefits and results they can expect from working with you.

When someone becomes a client, they are not buying coaching, although that is what you are selling.



Alisa Barcan
Coaching for a Living

Financial coach and business mentor for coaches who want to build financially viable coaching businesses.