2 “I Am” Ego Statements That Keep Us From Truly Living

George Raveling
Coaching For Success
3 min readJan 10, 2018

Each day our lives present us with 86,400 seconds of unique opportunity to reflect, learn, grow, prosper and to be of service to humanity. However, during this 24 hour period, we are constantly inundated and even slightly or heavily influenced by “toxic” external signals and messages. Strategically packaged and distributed, these signals can create fear within and distract us from living our most authentic lives in this moment.

One of the enemies that challenge us on our journey is the ego. If we do not consistently confront the award-winning “self-doubt” narratives and misconceptions our ego creates with a conscious awareness and openness — it can deter us from creating a life we envision filled with intent, meaning, and purpose.

Today, I share with you two “I Am” statements that our ego feeds our minds that can halt us from being of service to others, uncovering our innate purpose and exhausting every finite niche of our potential.

“I Am” What I Do

In a society that glorifies labels and titles, it is easy to become immune to that mindset coinciding our worth to the positions we hold and to the obstacles and achievements we have experienced. When we put ourselves in categories and mental prisons, it dishonors our epic wisdom, amazing grace, radiant soul and beautiful authentic uniqueness. As we navigate through our journey, begin the process of overcoming that fear of just being simply you. Surrender to that process and step wholeheartedly into accepting all of who you are. You are more than your title. You are more than the labels that yourself and society put on your existence. There will always just be one unique emanation of you. Let’s halt the rehearsing in our lives of trying to fit in to make other people feel comfortable. Celebrate and embrace all of who you are and meant to be, realizing that your true essence can never be compressed to words on a résumé, a business card or a personified lifestyle on social media.

“I Am” Separate From Everybody Else

In “get mine” and “self-centered” environments our ego can construct an invisible barrier in our minds and souls of separateness. These thoughts can lead to actions that prevent us from genuinely getting to know another person who might look or think differently. Reflect on how you navigate your day to day encounters…

Do you greet strangers in passing with a simple hello and smile or do you turn your attention away at that same moment in order to disconnect and break the vibrational energy of that human exchange?

Who are the top five people you surround and communicate with? Are their appearances, thoughts, and actions similar to yours?

We are all fighting some battle that another person knows absolutely nothing about while carrying with us our dreams, aspirations, and hopes as well as our fears, insecurities, and uncertainties. When we begin to view life through that lens and realize we are all already divine masterpieces who are works in constant progress then just maybe we will allow the ever necessary and meaningful dialogue and action of healing to begin. When we liberate ourselves from our ego we can begin to see and value another person — not for what they can do for us but for their beautiful expression of life and infinite possibilities.

Change first begins with our thoughtful positive intent and powerfully transcends into our actions and daily habits. By just remaining aware and open to these ego-based “I Am” statements we can begin to alter our lenses on how we view and treat ourselves and the outside world. For growth and newness to occur in our living, we must surrender to the journey, not trying to control anything or anyone but to simply allow yourself and others to be all of who they are destined to become!

Originally published at coachgeorgeraveling.com on January 10, 2018.

Sincerely hope you enjoyed reading, if you’re interested in more life lessons, coaching tips, or some great books to read please visit my website CoachGeorgeRaveling.com

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George Raveling
Coaching For Success

@HoopHall & @CBHOF Member. Former Head Coach at Washington State, Iowa, and USC. Currently Director of International Basketball for @NikeBasketball