20 Growth Mindsets on Leaving a Legacy

George Raveling
Coaching For Success
3 min readJan 11, 2018

How do we want to be remembered?

Every day presents a precious gift to discover our greatest potential while being a positive difference maker in the life of another person. Just envision a world where we all implemented the Golden Rule in our living of treating others the way we want to be treated. We do not need to create the next Apple, Nike, Twitter, Google, Tesla or Amazon to leave a meaningful legacy. It is about our daily living and how people feel after leaving our presence.

When we put our notions of fortune, fame, happiness, and success aside and get to the core of humanity, it all seems like this constant search and discovery to feel accepted, appreciated, valued and loved. Realize deeply the things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone. But the things you do for others remains your legacy.

May the following twenty growth mindsets on leaving a legacy enable you to navigate closer to unlocking and nurturing your purpose that stretches beyond yourself.

1. Always aspire to provide real value and to create work that matters.

2. Dare to be great. Dare to dream the impossible dream.

3. Every day execute on a task that brings you closer to your dream.

4. Challenge the status quo.

5. Look beyond what is, into what can be and further into what should be.

6. Hold yourself to only one standard: to be the very best version of yourself.

7. If you work towards being normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.

8. Design the life you wish to live. Life is always under construction.

9. Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones.

10. Make your life an awesome story of love, courage, and perseverance.

11. Every day attempt to do more of what really matters and less of what does not.

12. When you find something you would do for free, because you find it fulfilling, you have found your calling. Money never replaces purpose.

13. One of life’s biggest challenges is to differentiate between what the world expects of you, and what you expect of yourself.

14. Most roads that lead to success are toll roads. There is a price that one must pay to travel it.

15. Your growth depends on your willingness to be uncomfortable.

16. Your ability to grow starts with your willingness to change.

17. One of the most meaningful journeys is the transition from mediocrity to excellence.

18. Success does not have business hours, it only has production hours.

19. Surround yourself with as many extraordinary people as possible. Individuals who can help you tap into your own unique and unlimited potential for greatness.

20. Each of us would be better off if we mastered the ability to place ourselves in the shoes of others.

Originally published at coachgeorgeraveling.com on January 11, 2018.

Sincerely hope you enjoyed reading, if you’re interested in more life lessons, coaching tips, or some great books to read please visit my website CoachGeorgeRaveling.com

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George Raveling
Coaching For Success

@HoopHall & @CBHOF Member. Former Head Coach at Washington State, Iowa, and USC. Currently Director of International Basketball for @NikeBasketball