Are We Living Or Just Existing?

Kimati Ramsey
Coaching For Success
4 min readDec 10, 2016

This week I revisited Jon Gordon’s book The Energy Bus. A renowned author and speaker that I have great admiration for, this international bestseller takes readers on an “enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals ten secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment — at work and at home.”

As I was was rereading my margin notes and highlight markings I began to reflect on this precious journey of life…the non-negotiable reality of death, and the opportunity we have everyday to be of service to another person while finding, embracing, celebrating and venturing closer to accepting all of who we are.

When I came to the end of the book, I discovered that I had commented heavily on the following statement…

The day you die you will still have 30 or 40 e-mails in your inbox that will not be answered. You’ll never get it all done so you might as well relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the ride.

If we do not consciously think of new creative ways to experience life, it is easy to become fixated on our daily routines and habits, journeying on autopilot and forgetting to relax, breathe and simply enjoy and appreciate the infinite beauty that permeates our living each day.

Jon Gordon followed that powerful passage by discussing a research study which was performed on a group of ninety-five and older individuals. These participants were asked one powerful question:

If you could live your life again, what would you do differently?

The three most recurring themes participants mentioned is that they would reflect more, risk more and leave a legacy.

Just think about that for a second…each day if we reflected more, did one thing that was outside our comfort zone and work towards having a positive difference on one life, in time our personal growth and communal impact would multiply and lend to many more full and reinvigorating days.

Reflect More

Are our thoughts stemming from a place of love and abundance or lack and fear? Each day we have a chance to grow, learn and prosper. To challenge our own assumptions and to explore all the divinely extraordinary depths of who we are. The unconscious mind that is not questioned and held accountable for toxic thoughts is lethal. The power of our thoughts can have a profound affect on who we are and become as well as the aspirations we manifest into our living. As we begin to break free from boundaries imposed on the mind, we will then be able create mental space to activate becoming the greatest version of ourselves.

Risk More

If the notion of failure was not an option, what would we pursue? Life is too short, not to go for it. Our time is limited and there is no reset button on this game called life. The only thing that will ever be guaranteed is this moment. We must let go of the past, surrender to what is and actively focus on what is in our control with precision, tenacity and consistency. In this moment, we have the ability to change the trajectory of our lives, if we wholeheartedly desire. Let’s start with the resources we have, the lessons we have acquired, and overcome the power of postponement by unleashing our blessings and sharing our one of a kind story.

Leave a Legacy

How do we want to be remembered? Everyday presents a unique opportunity to unlock our greatest potential while being a positive difference maker in the life of another person. Just envision a world where we all implemented the Golden Rule in our living of treating others the way we want to be treated. We do not need to create the next Instagram, Airbnb Uber, Amazon, Nike or Apple to leave a meaningful legacy. It is about our daily living and how people feel after leaving our presence. When we put our notions of fortune, fame, happiness and success aside and get to the core of humanity, it all seems like this constant search and discovery to feel accepted, appreciated and loved. We have the ability to be radiant beacons of peace, love, courage, perseverance and positivity in our living — in the process, leaving footprints of kindness everywhere we go!

As we navigate the road of life, there will surely be continued closures and detours, but we were built to endure and overcome these minor setbacks and obstacles. The challenges and adversity we face in life is what makes the journey beautiful. Let’s make peace with what is, let go of what is not — forgiving ourselves and others in order to create space, to reflect more, risk more and to work towards leaving a legacy that carves names on hearts, not tombstones.

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About the Author:

Kimati A. Ramsey is an innovative brand strategist, educational consultant, inspirational storyteller and empowering speaker who graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. His life mission is to embrace his authentic self, making each precious moment a masterpiece while being of service to humanity. Residing in Los Angeles, California he is an avid sports, music and fashion enthusiast who enjoys reading, meditation, building genuine relationships and practicing a healthy active lifestyle. Stay connected at

