Dear 2016 5 Life Lessons You Taught Me This Year

Kimati Ramsey
Coaching For Success
5 min readDec 21, 2016

We have experienced an array of events and emotions this year. With setbacks and comebacks, we share in this moment the miracle of life. Through all the chaos, violence, uneasiness, fear, anxiety and uncertainty that looms, there is still a preciousness and beauty on this journey called life that presents us with infinite possibilities and the ability to create the life we envision.

This year presented me with many invaluable learning and growth experiences. While not always pleasant and comfortable in the moment, they were necessary in order for me to continue progressing forward, uncovering my outer depths and venturing closer to embracing, celebrating and appreciating all of who I am.

The following five life lessons I learned in 2016 have had a profound impact on who I am today and becoming tomorrow:

Follow Your Intuition

2016 taught me that remaining true to oneself is extremely empowering and transformative. We can all wear a mask at times to make everything look ok on the outside, fooling our family, friends and colleagues, but deep within we know when we yearn for something different and are not following our heart and intuition. I learned that stepping out of my comfort zone not only enhanced my personal and professional development, but also provided opportunities to discover a purpose that stretched beyond myself. So I am reminded each day to take strategic risks and to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. We never need all the answers to get started in moving forward to living our best life today; just the right “empowering” questions and a will to never give up on ourselves and our visions no matter how difficult a situation appears on the surface.

Attending Therapy Does Not Equal Insanity

2016 taught me that I am not insane for attending therapy. For a long time going to therapy was seen as taboo in our society. While we have become more receptive to this notion, therapy is still a stigma in many communities. It has always fascinated me that we praise and encourage people to take care of their health and wellness from a physical and spiritual standpoint but to not invest in being fit and whole emotionally and mentally. We cannot heal what we do not acknowledge. Healing is not linear. Life is not linear. We are constantly in orbit — in circulation. Attending therapy sessions this year has been a liberating experience. While I have always had an unbelievable support system of unconditional love at home, it has been nice to speak to an objective voice. Going to therapy and working through my own fears, insecurities and internal schisms has taught me to make peace with what is, let go of what is not — forgiving myself and others in order to create space for more tranquility, love, abundance, creativity, light and positivity to enter into my existence.

Give Thanks to Obstacles

2016 taught me to be grateful for the obstacles. The challenges and adversity we face in life is what makes this journey meaningful and beautiful. It is about controlling what is in our power — putting in the work to get better not bitter and growing from what might seem like a disappointing occurrence or setback in the moment. There are lessons in all experiences. While it takes no effort to play the victim role and ask disempowering questions such as, “Why Me?” when adversity presents itself, this year has taught me to wholeheartedly take on challenges, and ask “Why Not Me?” Meaningful growth occurs during times of challenges and these experiences are ultimately strengthening our divine essence. I learned to never give up or in, always progressing forward when hitting a bump in the road because the more I grow, the more I will be able to give.

The Power of Relationships

2016 taught me the importance of building and sustaining authentic relationships. And that all relationships take a certain level of time, investment and accountability both individually and collectively. But if nurtured correctly, many life-changing opportunities can present themselves if a genuine partnership is created. I have focused my attention this year on bringing meaningful value to other people in order to build connections that enable growth and prosperity in unimaginable ways. I do not take for granted the many extraordinary individuals with beautiful spirits who have ventured into my life this year. These souls have challenged my own belief systems and assumptions, ultimately, enabling me to think about and view the world through a much wider, deeper and awakened lens.

Design the Life You Envision

2016 taught me to break free from a survival mindset and to shift my time, energy and consciousness to designing the life I want. Life is too short, not to go for it. Our time is limited and there is no reset button on this game called life. The only thing that will ever be guaranteed is this moment. I learned to stop waiting for the perfect moment and to just get started focusing on and using the resources that I have and the lessons I have acquired. This year taught me to silence my our own “self-doubt” and the opinions of others in order to leave precious time during my 86,400 seconds each day to cleanse my mental and physical spaces — in order for my heart, mind and soul to heal and be activated to new levels of creativity, love, joy, abundance, prosperity and possibility.

Everyday is truly a New Year. A new beginning to grow, learn, prosper, empower and to be a positive difference maker in the life of another person. As 2017 approaches we must refocus and revitalize our mind, body and spirit. Change does not happen overnight. But it can and will happen if we alleviate distractions that are in our control and prioritize investing the time and energy into our craft and what brings us the most genuine joy and peace of mind. Let’s continue to Dream BIG in 2017 and challenge the status quo. After the aspirational visioning we must execute on that intuition by breaking down that dream into small actionable and manageable daily tasks.

The time for urgency has never been more paramount. The time is now, in this moment and in 2017 to do better, to be better, and to practice daily the powerful essence of love in our consciousness and living. As we begin to clean up our own hearts, minds and souls, we can start debunking our fears, egos and insecurities — serving as beacons of inspiration and empowerment for our communities in moving progress forward.

As we embark into 2017 let’s never forget that life is a long transformative journey and process, not merely a destination. While there will be setbacks, comebacks, and experienced detours in 2017 — realize deeply your story has immense value and can never be duplicated. Wishing you and yours an upcoming year filled with abundance, great success, vibrant health, love, light and hope.

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About the Author:

Kimati A. Ramsey is an innovative brand strategist, educational consultant, inspirational storyteller and empowering speaker who graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. His life mission is to embrace his authentic self, making each precious moment a masterpiece while being of service to humanity. Residing in Los Angeles, California he is an avid sports, music and fashion enthusiast who enjoys reading, meditation, building genuine relationships and practicing a healthy active lifestyle. Stay connected at

