Discover Your Opportunity

Torino K Johnson
Coaching For Success
2 min readAug 10, 2016

I envy those who know at a very young age what they want to do because they can start taking the classes they’ll need to pursue their goals. Doctor? Bio classes. Engineer? Math classes. Salesman? Business classes. The track to success is that much easier because the path to their goals is that much clearer. Hail to those who know what they want to do!

I pity those who know at a very young age what they want to do because they can start taking the classes they’ll need to pursue their goals. They will exclude anything that is unnecessary to their singular pursuit, putting on blinders and ignoring all of life’s wondrous side roads and serendipitous wonderings. They will reach their destination but they will miss the journey! Look around, don’t be decided. Be open to it all.

I have a dire need to achieve more than what I currently have. Seeing what I have not done and what I am not doing, is a constant source of disappointment. I must STOP! Being disappointed, however, is not the only lens with which to view my current state of existence; I can choose to delight in the fact that my disappointment is directly linked to my desire to be better — a desire to persevere.

I am not where I want to be, but the good news is I am more than willing to do the work to get there. That recognition of where I am and where I want to be is a vast field of opportunity. It is the arena for self-improvement. The distance between what I want to be is nothing but opportunity. It is not an opponent to defeat me, but rather the canvas on which I can, with effort and awareness and consistency, paint a more desirable existence. Disappointment and despair are not too far from opportunity and achievable challenges.

The fears, worries and anxieties of one person’s daily existence should not cloud out the larger experiences of life. The beauty of existence, the joy, the wonder should not be crowded by the minutia, the self-obsessed details, or the anxiety of day to day existence. Stop and breathe, notice the amazing details of your surroundings and replace nervous self-ruminations with gratitude and acceptance.



Torino K Johnson
Coaching For Success

I'm in love with Family, Friends and Life. I may lose some games, but as a coach I will not fail. I accept the challenge.