What We All Have in Common With Kanye West

Kimati Ramsey
Coaching For Success
4 min readDec 12, 2016
Kanye West performs during The Saint Pablo Tour at Madison Square Garden on Sept. 5, 2016 in New York City. Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

We live in a 24/7 “instant gratification” culture that is in constant search for the next big story. Our society has created and supported a multi-billion dollar gossip entertainment industry where celebrities and athletes successes, defeats, trials and tribulations become socially trending news across multimedia outlets.

We have become fixated, curious and borderline obsessed with stardom and today’s celebrity. We put these individuals on pedestals, religiously “keeping up” with their daily lives — praising them, ridiculing them, lifting them up while quickly tearing them down. Their pain becomes our entertainment in the process dehumanizing the essence of who they are to meet bottomline profit and audience engagement goals. As we try to emulate celebrities one of a kind uniqueness, we venture farther away from accepting and embracing all of who we were born and meant to be.

I feel deeply compassionate for Kanye West. It really has absolutely nothing to do with music. It is about life and our relationship with oneself. While some saw Kayne West’s actions a few weeks back during his Saint Pablo Tour in Sacramento, California as a “rant,” I viewed it as an expression of thoughts. I was witnessing a human being first and foremost who just happens to be a creative visionary at their craft striving to maneuver the internal conflict of being at their very most vulnerable state — simply calling out for help and wanting to be understood.

When we put our notions of fortune, fame, happiness and success aside and get to the core of humanity, it all seems like this constant search and discovery to feel accepted, appreciated and loved.

While reflecting on how our society handles celebrities most lowest and vulnerable moments, I began to think about this precious journey of life and how we all have something in common:

We Are All Fighting a Battle

We are all fighting some battle that another person knows absolutely nothing about while carrying with us our dreams, aspirations and hopes as well as our fears, insecurities and uncertainties. While entertainment and sporting events become safe havens to escape our own life issues for a few hours, we must never forget that those individuals we view in person live and on screens are human to. When we liberate ourselves from our ego, we can begin to see and value another person — not for how they can entertain us but for their beautiful expression of life and infinite possibilities.

Relationship With Self

One of the toughest battles a person has to fight is to live in a world, where every single day, someone is trying to make you be someone you don’t want to be. The most important relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves. We must begin the transformative journey of healing our mind, body and spirit, while accepting, embracing and celebrating all of who we are. If we equate our worth to the amount of money and materials we obtain, we will always live in a constant race for more, equating objects to peace of mind — and forgetting that what already lies within us is what makes us all divinely and innately magnificent.

The Power of Kindness

It cost us absolutely nothing to simply be kind. When we activate the consistent practicing of kindness towards others, we must never forget to be kind to ourselves. We must not judge our reflection in the mirror, but be kind to that reflection giving ourselves permission to be whole, present, unique and the greatest possible version of who we are. Everyday we are presented with an opportunity to be radiant beacons of peace, love, positivity, courage and perseverance — in the process leaving footprints of kindness everywhere we go!

As we venture and consciously grow past the superficial beliefs of stardom and gently take celebrities off the pedestal we have put them on — only then will we realize we are all trying to figure out this game called life. Life is short. There is no reset button nor step by step manual on how to navigate all that we might experience and feel on this journey. If we work towards being normal, we will never realize how simply amazing we truly are. We must let go of the past and surrender to what is while healing and accepting all of who we are. It is important to live life to the fullest from a place of gratitude. In doing so we can create space and awareness within to appreciate the love, abundance and infinite possibilities that permeates our living every precious moment. It reinforces our realization that like Kanye we are never truly traveling on this journey alone.

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About the Author:

Kimati A. Ramsey is an innovative brand strategist, educational consultant, inspirational storyteller and empowering speaker who graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. His life mission is to embrace his authentic self, making each precious moment a masterpiece while being of service to humanity. Residing in Los Angeles, California he is an avid sports, music and fashion enthusiast who enjoys reading, meditation, building genuine relationships and practicing a healthy active lifestyle. Stay connected at kimatiramsey.com.

