Profile Post

Madison Walsh
Coach’s Carrots
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

While the subject of Los Angeles is typically found in the realm of news, sports, entertainment, and other mass popular culture umbrellas, the city isn’t typically narrowed down into teeeeeeny tiny segments. Therefore when I stumbled across Culture Creators, an LA street style blog created, edited and photographed independently by superwoman Hana Turek, I was instantly intrigued by the way she fragments the different districts of Los Angeles via fashion. Her exhibition is is described as “A rhapsody of culture creators that inhabit our fair city; a source for inspiration; a muse to awaken your personal style.”

Who is Hana?

Hana is the people of Los Angeles. Although she is writing and curating this blog, she indirectly reveals that this blog isn’t about her, it’s rather about others. As an experienced photographer (she has posted her photography portfolio on her blog), she sees Los Angeles through a multitude of perspectives, not just her own. Capturing the faces of so many peoples gives her not only experience with the community, but it additionally gives her credibility that she knows who she is celebrating on her blog. Her job is to worship the different styles of these peoples by snapping a pic and classifying their style under the district they are from (i.e. Venice or Culver City has distinct styles). In a way, she is providing her own demographic statistics . . . which is super rad and hands on. Like my own blog and in my own attempt, Hana is also trying to demonstrate the narrower subcultures within each region of Los Angeles.

The blog itself:

Each post is particularly short, as the focus is really on Hana’s photography skills and characterization in the title. However, it is the combined collection of all of these buzzwords, photographs, descriptions, colors, and other creative vessels that bring about a celebration of different cultures.

Her voice is that of a critic, who only has incredible things to speak out on. She highlights the weird, the wacky, the average, and the spunky yet never degrades them. With clever titles and photos that focus on hairstyle and other fashionable elements, Hana adds her own personal comments such as “I love this” or “Unique inspiration” or “Dapper dapper tapper tapper”. She’s bubbly, personal, outgoing, enthusiastic, and super open.

The blog has been existing since 2008 and came to a pause (forever stop?? Sad . . .) in 2010, and even though Hana recycles districts, each post is its own and features a story yet told.

Her readership is loyal and responsive, as she earns around six to twelves comments per post, also which are so charming and kind. This blog and the community that has been born out of it truly shouts individuality . . . and people love it! No matter how weird it gets.

While the commentary is less of a conversation between writer and reader, the comments still support this theme of love for humankind and our quirks. I think a huge compartment to this is also that people love a consistency, and Hana presents more of a project rather than just a millennial blog. Readers feel active and educated, learning about people through a two minute read.

This blog has absolutely inspired me to flip my own blog and create it into something that is involved in the community, rather than a report. I truly respect the lengths that Hana goes in order to cherish the true heart of Los Angeles subcultures.

