Voice Post

Ben Rich
Coach’s Carrots
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2018

In this post, I will be analyzing the voice of blogger Jacob Cass. He is self-described as a “graphic designer, logo designer, web designer, blogger, creative thinker, freelancer, link sharer and digital nomad.” Cass focuses most of his blogs on lifestyle, travel, where to get the best foods in Penang, and the best romantic destinations in Europe. His voice is casual, relatable, and at times, quirky. I will be analyzing two posts that present his voice and his use of specific techniques to convey his voice.

The first post I am going to discuss is Cass’s blog titled “Paros, Greek Islands.” He wastes no time getting directly into the content of the article. His first sentence reads, “Compared to Mykonos, Santorini, and Ios, Paros is a very chill island.” His use of casual wording, such as “chill,” immediately portrays how the rest of the blog will sound. He then refers to spending time anywhere but the beach as a “sweaty mess,” invoking imagery and a relatable feeling of being very warm.

In the next paragraph, Jacob’s use of punctuation conveys his voice even further. While in Paros, he stayed at the Hotel Paros. He then says in parenthesis “(how original ;),” indicating sarcasm but also a winking face within the sentiment. Another use of parenthesis comes when Cass discusses his day at beach café. He claims the café “ was a perfect view to watch the sunset and chill on the compute (with awesome wifi!)” Not only do the parenthesis highlight a relatable, current, first-world problem for millennials, he also incorporates more casual diction.

Throughout the rest of the article, Cass provides lists with descriptions of his favorite restaurants, beaches, things to do, and the different towns. Paragraphs vary in length and provide a casual and easy-to-read format for a quick read. This article would be perfect for someone who wants to visit Paros or someone who wants to learn more about the Greek Islands in a fun and casual way.

The second post I am going to analyze is Jacob’s post titled, “First Timer’s Guide to Crete, Greece.” Cass begins by discussing some facts and background about Crete, but does it in an upbeat way. He says, “In fact, it is said that Crete should be its own country and we can see why!” His use of the exclamation point, and by using we, makes it feel as though we are all a part of his blog, and like we’ve been to Crete already. His use of exaggeration comes through while describing some perks of Crete: “…extremely mountainous scenery and fresh, flavorful food that is to die for.” Throughout the rest of the post, he again uses various lists and descriptions to describe his top tips for Crete, arriving at the airport, his favorite towns, and how to get around. He includes various maps and personal photos of him and his friends, making his voice come to life.

In both posts, there is a commonality of a casual, relatable voice. He truly wants to help future Crete-goers in their trip and make sure they have the best time. His descriptive use of words and imagery creates a sense of what the places are actually like. I really enjoy reading his posts.

Cass also ends very blog post with “Married Days Survived:” and then a number. I think this is a great personal note to end his blogs on, and further emphasizes his relatable voice.



Ben Rich
Coach’s Carrots

Student at the University of Southern California.