2017: What’s in store for Coadec?

From the whole team at Coadec, we hope you had a restful break and wish you the very best for 2017.

At Coadec HQ, we have three core objectives for 2017: to build our nationwide startup community, increase our outputs of data-backed policy insights and ideas to government and create thought-leadership and debate across the tech-related policy areas of most importance to our community of digital and tech startups.

If you’d like to get involved with any of our upcoming activities outlined below, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch: romilly.dennys@coadec.com

1. COADEC CONNECTS: Continue to build our community of UK-wide startups

Coadec Connects: Liverpool, November 2016

July — December 2016, Coadec visited startups in Brighton, Newcastle, Liverpool, Cardiff, Newmarket, Birmingham….to build on our growing London-based community. But this is just the beginning, and we look forward to meeting many new founders in 2017.

2. COADEC CONSULTS: Launch our new report #ThinkTech in February at an event in Westminster

Coadec Consults: A visa system fit for global talent, December 2016

July — December 16, Coadec consulted extensively with our startup community on the barriers they face. But also, the opportunities that exist as we exit the EU. Our new report as part of our new #ThinkTech series will be launched in February, with new analysis, data-backed research and ideas to help the UK be the global go-to place for fast-growth tech startups, investment, enterprise and digital innovation.

We will host a launch event in Westminster with a special guest speaker. To follow, we will publish a second piece of new research ahead of the Budget 2017.

3. COADEC CHAMPIONS: Host monthly events for our community with high-profile founders, senior civil servants, SoS, Ministers and MPs

Romilly Dennys & Jeff Lynn, October 2016

August — December 16, Coadec hosted two events at Campus London for our startup community with high-profile founders, and one in Newmarket with the Minister for Digital and Culture, Matt Hancock MP.

Next week we launch our new Startup Breakfast Club with special guest, Matthew Gould MBE. This will be a monthly event for our community and provide the opportunity to share views with government.

