Create Software Using English

Tell programmers what to do by specifying user stories

Nickantony Quach
3 min readJan 14, 2020


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User Story Syntax

This article explains how you can create software using English. Practical examples are also provided for your reference.

A | What’s a User Story?

Like a good news story, the three parts of the user story template communicate who, what, and why. | Tell me more

There is no magic template that must be used for user stories. They can be written in any number of ways. But the most popular way of writing user stories is with this template:

As a _(user)_, I want to _(select About)_ so that _(I can read about)_.

In software development and product management, a user story is an informal, natural language description of one or more features of a software system. A user story is a tool used in Agile software development process to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. A user story describes the type of user, what they want and why. A user story helps to create a simplified description of a requirement. | Tell me more

A user story is a lightweight method for quickly capturing the “who”, “what” and “why” of a product requirement. In simple terms, user stories are stated ideas of requirements that express what users need. They’re brief, with each element often containing fewer than 10 or 15 words each. User stories are “to-do” lists that help you determine the steps along the project’s path. They help ensure that your process, as well as the resulting product, will meet your requirements.

A user story is defined incrementally, in three stages:

  • The brief description of the need
  • The conversations that happen during backlog grooming and iteration planning to solidify the details
  • The tests that confirm the story’s satisfactory completion

And these are known as the 3C’s — Card, Conversation and Confirmation. | Tell me more

User stories should be identified together with the stakeholders, preferably through a face-to-face meeting. User story is a requirement discovery process instead of an upfront requirement analysis process. | Tell me more

B | Sample User Stories

Let’s pretend that we’re creating an app. Let’s give it a generic name, say, Coalmont App. Its mission is to help those who would like to live their life according to the following personal philosophy:

Only consequential relationships, deliberate family above all

In that case, the first set of user stories might look as presented by the following articles:



Nickantony Quach

If your mentors failed you or you have none, meet Nickantony Quach, your philosopher of last resort!