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How to join the Thumoslang Comic Project

Nickantony Quach
1 min readJan 10, 2020


Extranet | Home | Office | Contact us | How to work with us

Alec Mustafayev on Day Zero with the Thumoslang Comic Project

Welcome to our Thumoslang Comic Project! Our project has two homepages. The public homepage is on our Extranet. The private homepage is in the Haven Office. For our Extranet, aim your browser at:

For our public homepage, go to out Extranet then open the article Thumoslang Comic Project Home — Public Homepage for the Project on Coalmont Magazine.

If you’re new to our project, you may want first read our public homepage here from the top down, before you read the rest of this article.

If you would like to join in and work with us in our Thumoslang Comic Project, please contact us. Our contact information is presented on this page here.

Initial Project Discussion

Alec, Jairson, and Nick first came up with the project idea in their meeting on 1/9/2019. Part of the discussion is captured by several videos. As presented hereby, the first one is Thumoslang Comic Project, which is Episode 3 in Season 13 of the YouTube series NDBaker93. | Watch the video



Nickantony Quach

If your mentors failed you or you have none, meet Nickantony Quach, your philosopher of last resort!