Shira Bedford

One of the kindest people I know

Jairson Ascencao
2 min readFeb 14, 2020


The First time Shira ever worked with and for the Haven Village

Shira Bedford is one of the kindest people I know. For a long time I felt as though she had some incredible insights to divulge, but because (in my opinion) she was so caught up in working for school, or for her job, I never got to see her moving to action because of her notions. Nowadays, things seem different. For the first time, I’m seeing her thinking and working with people in the community on the things she truly believes in, and I’m so incredibly excited to see where she goes. This page exists to let you learn a little bit about Shira, the person closest to my heart. I hope you enjoy.

Direct Quotes from Shira

“I’ve worked with Mental health policy and realized how much of a gap exists in the mental health system between how patients are being treated under the law because they are seen as incompetent versus how that person represents themselves”

“I want to make it so that people in terms of the system are not just names on a piece of paper but are an actual human being.”

“I want to create drivers for society to treat its members as people with emotions, personalities, and opinions rather than as cold numbers.”

“The village should help villagers learn the value of their personhood.”

What does Shira Want Haven as a Village to do for her?

  • Having a support system is really important.
  • Having people on your side is really important.
  • I can easily convince myself that something isn’t important when it really is, so having people to remind me that those opinions are valuable is really helpful
  • Having people to help me endure the process of creating change in the system that is so etched in stone. Specifically the policy system.

What does Shira want haven as a village to do for people?

  • I want it to give people the opportunity and resources to feel comfortable and like they are seen. To make everyone feel seen from a societal standpoint and from a policy standpoint.

How does Shira plan to move to action?

Shira: By looking for ways to create drivers for society to treat its members as people with emotions, personalities, and opinions rather than as cold numbers.



Jairson Ascencao
Writer for

Cape Verdean, Climber. “The individual is far more powerful than they’ve been led to believe.” Build a home with me?