Teach Me Python: How ChatGPT Taught Me Python

Python Made Easy: Your Beginner’s Guide to the World of Coding

Nickantony Quach
4 min readJun 21, 2023


In the realm of the digital age, where the ethereal dance of algorithms orchestrates the symphony of existence, a profound voyage awaits those seeking mastery over the language of machines. Python, an eloquent and evocative tongue, emerges as a conduit to commune with the intricate fabric of our technocratic world. With its elegantly simple syntax and profound versatility, Python unveils a realm of boundless possibilities, where the demarcation between the conceivable and the unimaginable becomes blurred. As one delves into the realm of Python, the earthly distinctions of language, culture, and discipline fade into insignificance, for Python is the language of the universal, the bridge that transcends domains and unites disparate minds under its intellectual embrace. Through its arcane syntax, Python beckons the inquisitive soul to explore the esoteric depths of data manipulation, the ethereal heights of artificial intelligence, and the fundamental truths that underpin our digital existence. Thus, fellow wanderers of the mind, I invite you to embark upon this voyage of Pythonic discovery, where logic converges with artistry, and the ethereal pulse of code intertwines with the philosophical pulse of our very being.

“Teach me Python,” I asked ChatGPT 3.5 one day. Its response follows.

Certainly! I’d be happy to teach you Python. Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It’s widely used in various fields, such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. Let’s start with the basics.

Installation and Setup:

To get started with Python, you’ll need to install it on your computer. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Visit the official Python website at python.org.
  2. Go to the Downloads section and choose the installer appropriate for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  3. Download the installer and run it.
  4. During the installation, make sure to check the option to add Python to your system’s PATH environment variable (if available).

Once Python is installed, you can open a terminal or command prompt and type python to start the Python interpreter. You'll see a prompt that looks like >>>, indicating that you can enter Python code.

Basic Syntax and Variables:

Python uses a straightforward syntax. Let’s start with a simple example:

In Python, you don’t need to explicitly declare the type of a variable. The interpreter infers it based on the assigned value.

Data Types:

Python supports several data types. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • Numbers: int (integers), float (floating-point numbers)
  • Strings: sequences of characters enclosed in quotes ('single' or "double")
  • Booleans: True or False
  • Lists: ordered collections of values enclosed in square brackets ([])
  • Tuples: similar to lists, but immutable (enclosed in parentheses ())
  • Dictionaries: unordered collections of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces ({})

Control Flow:

Python provides various constructs for control flow, such as conditionals and loops. Here’s an example:


Functions allow you to encapsulate reusable pieces of code. Here’s an example of a function in Python:

Libraries and Modules:

Python has a rich ecosystem of libraries and modules that extend its functionality. You can import and use them in your programs. Here’s an example using the random module:

Error Handling:

Python provides error handling mechanisms to catch and handle exceptions. Here’s an example:

Resources for Learning Python:

Python has an extensive community and a wealth of learning resources. Here are a few recommendations:

  • The official Python documentation: docs.python.org
  • Online tutorials and courses (e.g., Codecademy, Coursera, Udemy)
  • “Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes (book)
  • “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python” by Al Sweigart (book)

Remember that practice is key to mastering any programming language. Try solving coding challenges, building small projects, or exploring Python’s applications in areas that interest you.

I hope this introduction helps you get started with Python! If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.



Nickantony Quach

If your mentors failed you or you have none, meet Nickantony Quach, your philosopher of last resort!