共藝術合作社 Co-Art Co-Operative

共藝術合作社 Co-Art Co-Operative
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

最早我們都是搗蛋藝術基地(Monkey-Wrenching Art Center)團體成員。發起的人是黃孫權教授,團體成員有藝術家,策展人,建築師,舞者,設計師,中小學教師,社會運動者,研究生等。從2009–2016年策劃過許多活動,一類為積極參與社會運動,如反核遊行,反核歌曲,反國光石化,文化行動影展等,二為實驗性藝術,如行動藝術,現地製作,實驗戲劇與空間舞劇等;第三類則為與社區密切結合的藝術展覽。我們一起做,因為社區藝術中心並不一定要在實驗藝術和社會藝術中擇一,藝術並不外於社會,不需要回頭介入社會,那只是為了展覽而美學匱乏後增添的新說法而已。

In the beginning we were all members of the Monkey-Wrenching Art Center. Founded by Professor Huang Sunquan, the group’s members include artists, curators, architects, dancers, designers, middle and elementary school teachers, social activists , as well as graduate students. Starting in the year 2009 up until 2016 the group took part in organizing many actions, the actions themselves can be separated into three categories. The first being the active participation in social activism, such as in anti-nuke protests, anti-nuke songs, de-petroleumization, as well as cultural movement film exhibitions. The second entails experimental art, in situ operations, experimental plays and spacial oriented dramas ; the third category is focused on conducting art exhibitions coordinated within the public space.

為了將藝術做為開創完整生活的力量,我們成立台灣第一個通過社會局審核正式立案,由藝術家組成的合作社─「共藝術合作社」(CACO)。這是直接面對社會的合作社。我們將社員每個人基本需求列出,從生活需求到工作機會,從口舌慾望到創作慾望,商議集體解決的辦法,自己收穫自己(we harvest ourselves)。

In order to make art a force which initiates a life of holisticity, we CACO are the first co-op to be formed by artists that has applied for and successfully been registered by the department of social welfare in Taiwan. This is a Co-op which confronts the society head on, we make lists of the fundamental needs of every one of our members. From daily needs to job opportunities, from disputes to creative production desires, as well as methods for collective proposal resolutions,” we harvest ourselves”.


On February of 2016 we began the restoration of the residence, spending a total of eight months on renovation turning the old military dependents living quarters into a public reading room and social kitchen, forming a real solidarity economy. Established formally in August of 2016 its open to the public and recruiting members, no matter how much you contribute every member has the same rights, surplus dividends are divided according to ones consumption and labor contribution instead of shares. Co-ops are a political and economic democratic system. We create our own art, plan our own exhibitions, and sell our own work. We cook our own food, purchase local crops, and emphasize low carbon instead of organic. We conduct investigations with local farmers and traditional shop owners, conducting interviews which hold regional and historical significance. The Co-art Coop is located in the Huang Pu new village which is the first village for military dependents constructed by the KMT when they first arrived in Taiwan. Initially functioning as a bunker against communism, but later due to politics endured struggle and hardship during the White Terror movement and Cold war. After which, since the houses were so old and the new houses were all being built in the city the residents were all forced to move. Here we are at the heart of history, as well as the future history. We are repairing houses whilst repairing social relations.


Everything is still going on, so let us face the day after the revolution directly.The day which we return to our homes from the streets, the day we walk out of the biennale exhibition hall, how do we then produce that which we all need, this will in turn become an effective social practice together with the production of art as a real livelihood. It is in this old 169 square meter space of military village architecture, that our various ideas pertaining to life exist. Together we enjoy books, music, food, art, culture, and the warmth of each other.

