All the maps so far

Rachel Oelbaum
Coast in a car
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2019

The journey from Calais to Porto, day by day

Calais to Pont de l’Arch
Pont de l’Arch to Saint Maixant L’Ecole
Saint Maixant L’Ecole to Il de Rey

No map for the trip from Il de Rey to Bourg — oops!

Bourg-Sur-Gironde to San Sebastian
San Sebastian to Laredo
Laredo to San Vicente de la Barquera
San Vicente de la Barquera to Gijón
Gijón to A Coruña
A Coruña to Cesantes (Vigo Bay)
Cesantes (Vigo Bay) to Orbacém
Orbacém to Porto

