Be like water. - Alexander Kluge
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2015


Fluidly Flexible. Change directions. Adapt to change.

When I stood in the shower I found the water coming out of the faucet the perfect example of how business professionals should act nowadays.

Constant like water

Water has a constant flow, constant pressure and constant stream. The magic word is constance here. Constance is what you achieve when you create habits and stick to them day in, day out — like Benjamin Franklin did.

Source: Quora

Flexible like water

Water is so flexible and literally fluid that if need it can metaphorically “stretch”. So although you have your routine / habit / things you do because they work, there are regular and irregular events which change your course. Allow your fixed mindset (constance) to grow.

Source: Brain Pickings

Change directions like water

In the “water mindset” you’re not only constant, flexible and growing but you develop the ability to change directions — also radical ones. Yes, I mean 180 degrees changes. But perform them smoothly. A curve needs its angle and despite water’s ability to make hard direction changes, find that one or two percent that rounds the degree change.

Adapt to change like water

Changing directions means that you are able to go with the flow of another direction. It allows you seek this or that opportunity. BUT! The direction change may make you feel helpless in the first moments of adjustment — like when you do your first canyon free fall and you literally lose ground.

Yet, you aim to be actively present in the moment, here and now. This way you are not only open to change because you change but you are the director of your change and this is when you adapt — like water does.

(By the way, I am working in a Zen-wise approach called “cismedia” in which I focus on one-medium-production. You can learn more here.)

