Two Innovative Writing Tools You Never Heard Of (But Should) - Alexander Kluge
Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2016
Two Innovative Writing Tools You Never Heard Of (But Should)

Two writing projects I recently discovered that will substantially help you write and eventually write better.

#1 ilys —

Punchline: Love writing again. Have fun and feel great!


  • Kill writer’s block.
  • Train your creative mind.
  • Enter writing flow.

Business model: Free Trial (3,000 words) + Subscription ($10.08 per month)

#2 Freewrite —

Punchline: Know Yourself.


  • Therapeutic writing (writing as a therapy).
  • Creative exercise and writing exercise.
  • Free writing while “free” refers to writing without judgment (inner censorship) — in the style julia Cameron’s morning pages.

Business model: Free Trial (10 days) + Subscription ($4 per month, or $40 per year if paid anually)

Originally published at Coastery.

I’m Alexander. Thanks for reading. If you liked this post, click the heart 💚 below and share it with people you care about.

