Why Coworking Spaces Don’t Work

naii.io - Alexander Kluge
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2015

10 subjective arguments why a coworking space is not a good place to work.

Source: The Popcorn Reel Movie Review: “Manufactured Landscapes”

1. Chicken factory

I feel like a chicken in a chicken factory. Pure productivity. Robotic. Lacking human connection.

2. No going crazy

I can’t go crazy like I occasionally need to (singing, dancing wildly to the loud speakers on).

3. Rigid

I feel rigid-ized, meaning I need to sit in front of the computer and stay there as long as I work. I know I don’t have to but it feels I’m obliged to. A playground in the space would definitely help turning a coworking space into a playful working space.

Play (fun) + Work = Productivity would be the formula.

4. Too much computer (screen)

Starring at the screen because there’s nothing else or more interesting to see.

This is my general rantful argument because eventually I wanna lead a live away from the computer which will happen in the future. It could mean that I will lead and manage the content production process and art direction via voice control and minimal gesture-driven inputs while hired workers do that stuff. Workers can be human or can be automated processes.

So, when I say „away from the computer“ I’m referring 1) to a non-computer-driven environment or 2) an environment in which the computer is such an integrated system that it is not tangible or even visible.

After the post-PC era (initiated by tablets) we’re entering the PC-disappearance era as mentioned in the paragraph before.

5. Forced socializing

Coworking spaces allow that you can interact with people to maybe work together. As a (remote) worker you work on your own stuff and want to accomplish it. There’s no want or need to socialize with the people. You don’t really care who’s around you because you work result-driven. There are also too many people who want to do something with you.

6. Full of distraction

Coworking spaces is where a lot of people do a lot of stuff and distract you potentially every second of being there. You won’t find focus unless you remind yourself through reading Leo Babauta’s „Focus — A simplicity manifesto in the Age of Distraction“ (Free PDF to download).

7. No big content production

No space for big equipment unless you want to invest a lot. If your content production or commissioned-based work is equipment-heavy you will prefer to leave it in your home office and produce there not to invest absurd amounts of money for renting a whole room yourself. Also, you wouldn’t be able to control the noise around you.

8. Getting there

In an era where working remotely means being anywhere to be productive having to go to a coworking space sticks to the thinking that talent, creative collaboration and great things can only be found in certain hubs / cities / places / spaces. This is so far away from true as success stories like Basecamp or others show.

9. Paying for it

You have to pay for it although in every other café you can Wifi for free ordering a coffee or snack, and although it doesn’t provide that extra productivity environment. Exceptions prove the rules: Launch Pad in New Orleans, Louisiana, showed me that plugging your computer, connecting to Wifi and not paying a Dollar is possible. I worked 5 days there and Katy was a very nice person to talk to. She manages the space and community.

10. Lacking access to nature

Coworking spaces are normally not close to the green. You can find them in the CBDs of the cities or not too far from them. „Green“ Coworking Spaces, my wish for the future.

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You can find more recent impressions of my remote work and travel life on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

(Originally posted on Coastery)

