Why my business year has 48 weeks

naii.io - Alexander Kluge
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2017

As a business owner I count a year in weeks, the year consists of 52 weeks (I’m not counting the extra day). I also count a month in weeks, the month consists of 4 weeks (28 days). With 12 of those months, my business year has 48 weeks. All the extra days per month (1–3) I save and let them define the length of my off-time from my business. I’m using this time to cut myself off from the „hyperconnected“ world and explore the tangible world to reset my self.

(In German: Ich gehe auf analoge Forschungsreise, um den Einklang mit meinem Selbst zu prüfen und ggf. wiederherzustellen).

Originally published at Coastery.

