0.8.1 ADAM & Flux Release

Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2023

Over the past few weeks everyone at Coasys has been focused on shipping our final, stable, and most performant release so far. We are excited to share with you that this has now landed!

Coasys DAO is ascending ;)

Feature Expansion

This release brings two new features to both Flux and ADAM.

The first exciting addition to ADAM is the ability to connect to Ethereum. The work done in this direction paves the way for integration with any blockchain, but for now only Ethereum is supported. The first point of integration has been made with the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS).

This integration has large benefits when used in conjunction with the upcoming SynergyEngine, due to its focus on bringing real word reputation indicators on chain. To learn more about how the integration between ADAM & Ethereum works and its use in SynergyEngine, check our blog post about that here. In future releases we will look towards bridging other Ethereum protocols to ADAM such as NFT’s, token gating etc.

Secondly, we’ve upgraded Holochain to the bleeding edge of version 0.3.0-beta-dev.27! We’re pushing the envelope by trying Holochain’s latest features and performance upgrades. While this has helped reducing the CPU load of the ADAM Launcher, it’s still a pre-release. In order to not force bleeding edge testing onto every ADAM user, while also not reverting our DNA updates back to Holochain 0.2 or 0.1, we’ve implemented centralised variants of all our ADAM Languages and added the option to start the ADAM Launcher without Holochain — falling back on only using our centralised stand-ins. That’s the power of ADAM: Flux and other apps don’t need to bother what’s working under the hood — let the user decide…

Building off our integration with EAS we have added the ability to connect your wallet and display your attestations on your Flux profile. This is now live and ready for anyone to use!


The last feature added to Flux is an overhaul in our voice/video chat channel. Now when navigating Flux you will see anyone who is currently chatting inside your communities voice/video channel!

Stability & Performance

This release of ADAM makes some big strides forward with stability and performance.


The CPU usage of ADAM has been reduced by 90% — you can now expect ADAM to use just 2–10% of one CPU core. This is thanks to an overhaul of our internal async runtime in ADAM. We still have more headroom to improve here and expect to be even faster and performant with coming releases.


We have completely overhauled the way SocialDNA can be set and retrieved on a Neighbourhood. SocialDNA is the fundamental building block in ADAM that allows agents to query data in social spaces. Before, we observed many duplicate SocialDNA queries hurting loading times of neighbourhood data. This has now been fixed, resulting in faster ADAM Neighbourhoods!


This release bundles the latest cutting edge version of Holochain; version 0.3.0-dev.27. We aim to provide the best experience possible for users on ADAM opting to use Holochain. This release aims to be the most performant in terms of gossip, CPU usage and reliability yet. To ensure the stability of our Holochain layer we also provisioned our own signalling and bootstrap servers to keep our Holochain networking layer alive.

