Ready Player One, Proof of concept for blockchain future — programmer explain

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3 min readJul 3, 2018

If you like Ready Player One, you might want to know how blockchain could change the world potentially!

There is a hot topic that is passing around recently, 「the blockchain technology」. There are lots of entrepreneur started to keep blockchain technology in their radar.

If you have wonder how blockchain could potentially change the future, let’s dive in by comparing the movie「Ready Player One」!

Ready Player One VS Blockchain

About me
I am a full-stack javascript developer and one of the contributors for NEO blockchain project.

Blockchain =「Decentralization」+「Digital Money」+「Smart Contract」, let’s walk you through how Ready Player One could actually be the future by using blockchain technology.


“OASIS is owned by every users who are playing, quoted by the game creator, James Halliday”.

In other words, OASIS is a game that has the same characteristic of blockchain technology. It is decentralized with distributed ledger, the more people playing it, the faster it will become, the more secure it would be.

Why Decentralization matters?
The reason being the players are in charge of making the game instead of the the company who create the game. Without Decentralization, the company could take all your money whenever they feel like it.

But you might wonder how to achieve Decentralization? With 「Smart Contract

how smart contract works under the hood with real case

Smart Contract

In OASIS world, whoever get the three eggs could own the green land. The power of smart contract is that once written, it cannot be changed. Every terms would execute itself when the conditions meets without third party. That would make sure the safety of a deal, and reduce the risk of being cheated.

The game changer, the Extra Life also being written in the smart contract. That is, he/she can have an extra life if the person holds the coin. Even the company who create the game cannot change the rule once it is stated in a smart contract.

how smart contract works under the hood with real case

Last but not least, Digital Asset/Money

In OASIS, you can use the money that you earned in the game to purchase a game suit. In the world that we are living, currently, we only have few use cases. 「Be paid with ETH to make program」「Crytpo Kitties

If you wondering, why there are only few use cases, you can take a look at 「Blockchain 3.0

Currently, blockchain its at the phrase of proven itself to be secure and useful via 「distributed ledger 」and 「smart contract」.

Hence, it needs to prove itself to handle large scale applications like Facebook. If you want to get deeper for what is going on, check out「Blockchain 3.0

Useful Link

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About me
I am a full-stack javascript developer and one of the contributors for NEO blockchain project.

Build Decentralized Application with Javascript on the top of NEO?
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