Statement from COBINHOOD

Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2019

We learned that recently there have been news articles regarding “5 Worst Cryptocurrency Exchanges of 2018” that triggered social conversations and misunderstandings. In response to the unjustified rating and criticism of COBINHOOD, it is our obligation to deliver facts as the following statement:

  1. COBINHOOD is dedicated to building a next-generation, zero-trading-fee cryptocurrency service platform and providing the best trading experience to our users. Despite the grim prospects for the world economy as a whole, we successfully expanded our global presence and made significant achievements, including winning the 2018 Red Dot Award, and ranked as one of the most secure exchanges on the ICOrating Security Report.
  2. Contrary to degradation, COBINHOOD team keeps moving forward to realize our vision of building a decentralized future empowered by blockchain. Launching COBINHOOD exchange is our first step to introduce cryptocurrency to the public in the early stages of blockchain development. DEXON project is never a snap decision nor a hype. It is our latest milestone to build a game-changing infrastructure for mass adoption of blockchain. In November 2018, we unveiled DEXON testnet, followed by a series of workshops, incentive programs and tools to onboard developers. Our next big leap is DEXON mainnet, which is set to launch in 2019.
  3. Recent token delisting is a temporary suspension of the trading policy that occurs as a result of current market condition. Withdrawal and deposit functions for delisted tokens are still available on our exchange. Our team has been working around-the-clock to keep up with market trends and will make every effort to provide promising and sustainable digital assets that are worth the investment.

We understand that a prolonged downtrend remains dominant in the cryptocurrency market and there is still a long way to go before blockchain really fits into our lives. We choose to go on this journey not because it is easy, but because it is hard. COBINHOOD will continue the mission of shaping a better future with real-world blockchain applications and experiences.




COBINHOOD 是新一代的加密貨幣服務平台,我們的願景是在區塊鏈時代中創建一個全新型態的金融中心,藉此形塑未來經濟。