Coworking Events to Drive Engagement With Your Members

Sam Bender
Cobot Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2020

Events in 2020 don’t quite look like they did in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a complete chance in the way we build community; and to adapt to a world in which we want more than ever to be together and yet we’re forced to maintain physical distance from one another and avoid large groups.

What kind of events are people throwing in coworking spaces these days?

Virtual Q&As

People may be tired of Zoom meetings, but there are real advantages to the format. One of them is that panel discussions, Q&As, and other events that feature special guests benefit from the feeling of proximity to the speakers. It can seem like you’re sitting directly across from the guest/s of honor!

Want an example of how to really sell online events? Check out the programs and style of the 92nd Street Y in New York City. They’ve created a fully fleshed-out vision of what a mix of in-person and virtual events can look like.

Parking lot gatherings

Are you in a region where you have lots of outdoor space that is sitting empty? Use your parking lot to set up outdoor gatherings that bring people together while maintaining best practices for coworking events in 2020. Outdoor space is an advantage that not everybody has, so if you do, put that space to use!

Mutual interest groups/clubs

Find community events that have long-term potential to keep members engaged with the community and where most of the prep work is done individually. Try putting together a book club or find another type of discussion group. Pick something with local interest or with a topical theme and see how much interest is there.


One of the struggles of losing physical gathering spots is that you also lose the casual moments of joy that happen when working alongside others in an office. You may have trouble finding spontaneous opportunities these days, but there’s no reason you can’t coordinate some fun events for people who are looking for a little break from work.


Not gone, just different. It’s been a tough time for traditional networking events but the need is still there. So how can you take something that was known for being the reason people attended in-person events and conferences, an move it online? With some creativity!

Something else?

Have you come up with an events strategy in your space? How’s it working out for you? We’d love to hear your ideas. And whatever you do for events, we hope you’re staying safe and healthy out there!

If you aren’t already using Cobot as your coworking management software, give it a go! You’ll find that our features can help you run your coworking space more effectively and grow your community. Just sign up for a free trial or a live demo session. And if you have questions, our support team is all ears!

Happy Coworking!

