June 2017 Product Improvements

Cobot Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2017

New features time! This month, in addition to the usual product updates, you’ll also see loads of design improvements, maybe you’ve noticed them already but let’s go through them:

Copy a Plan

This is an exciting new feature to launch since it was requested by many spaces.

Cobot is all about making it easy for you to manage your space the way you want it, and create flexible and customizable plans is a big part of that.

With this release, you can now add a new plan that is almost exactly like another one that you might already have, but with a discounted price, access to one extra resource, a parking place… The possibilities are endless.

All you need to do is to go under Setup > Plans > Click on Plan Name. You’ll then see a copy on your plan list. That’s it!

Get a Breakdown of Your Revenue

This month we’re bringing additional depth into our Analytics section with the possibility to look into your revenue in detail.

To get the exact breakdown for each revenue category, just click on it and a new page will show up, displaying a detailed overview of your earnings for the month. It will include the calculation as well and show you the sum of all processed payments.

Consider this the first stage towards Cobot becoming a much more powerful tool to handle the finances of your space. We aim to make it even easier to manage your space finances all in just one place.

Design Spring Cleaning

From our new landing page to small design improvements, our design team is serious about doing some spring cleaning to our old designs and making Cobot more beautiful for you.

We have improved both the layout and style to make the information easier and quicker to understand at a glance.

Several add-on and lists in general now have a much clearer layout. Basically, you can see the changes throughout the whole system, but we’ll highlight some of them for you:

Events Add-on

Coworkers Add-on


We were very excited about this month’s releases, and we hope you’ll like the updates and improvements, too!

There are tons of other back-end improvements and fixes, too numerous to list here. Our programmers are working hard behind the scenes to clean our code and make Cobot faster and more stable for you. One example would be that we’ve made sending of invoices more resilient against external errors.

Our next posts will be on our new team members and the Encontro Brasil conference, so keep an eye on our blog in the next few weeks!

Happy Coworking!



Cobot Blog

The leading management software for coworking spaces • https://www.cobot.me/