Cocktail Club

Serial Stories: Home For The Longer Ones

Are you a writer of stories with five chapters or more, and do you want those to go out every week at exactly the same time?


In my first year on Medium, I needed a place for a story which is near and dear to my heart. A story about a friend who died of AIDS. A long story with many chapters.

I found a publication for it, but there was one thing that irked me. I submitted a new chapter at the same time every week, and that first time, it published immediately. The second, it only published the next day. Then, the next time, I had to chase an editor down to ask when it will go live.

This was not what I wanted. I wanted consistency. I wanted my readers to know the story would publish on the same day at the same time every week. If a reader is kind enough to follow a story with chapters, that’s the least I as a writer could do for them.

That was when I opened my personal publication — Serial Stories. Just a few months into it, I opened it to other authors, offering them the same I wanted for my story: consistency and care.

Are you a writer of stories with five chapters or more, and do you want those to go out every week at exactly the same time?



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Cocktail Club

❤️ Writer: fact and fiction; sometimes transgressive, sometimes erotic, always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories | Editor: Tantalizing Tales ❤️