Awesome cmd line with antigen ( zsh plugin manager)

Thiago Lioy
Cocoa Academy
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2016


For while i've been wanting to make a post about cmd lines and how to configure yours to look fancy and help to broadcast your inner nerd to folks around you .. =) Much more than looks, a proper configured cmd line can save you a bunch of time in many different tasks. So here it goes, without further delay let me share mine.

1. Iterm instead of plain old terminal

While there is nothing wrong with plain old terminal, Iterm its like old terminal on steroids so lets download it.

2. Antigen an zsh plugin manager

Zsh is incredibly famous among programmers and many choose it over bash. You can find many reason why you should go for it instead of bash here. Over the time you keep adding and editing your .zshrc adding more and more code, configurations and plugins, it could became messy. Antigen for the rescue, antigen is a plugin manager for zsh, one could say its like rbenv for ruby, bundler for ruby gems, cocoapods for iOS libs, etc.. In the site bellow you can find further explanations, for now lets keep going down the whole.


  1. Install homebrew

2. Install rbenv

$ brew update
$ brew install rbenv

Setup Repo

I've created a setup repo which i’ve kept returning to over the years, every time i needed to configure my terminal on a new machine. You can clone the repo and try.

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Copy .antigen and .zshrc to your root dir .
cp git-aliases/.antigen.zsh ~/
cp git-aliases/.zshrc ~/

3. Tell your shell to use zsh.

chsh -s $(which zsh)

4. Reload iterm to download and configure the plugins, you can find many different plugins for different application needs here, my script use a few for git, rbenv, cocoapods, etc.

Customize the apperance

Your shell apperance tells much about you =X .. As further as personal tastes goes, each person will prefer one theme over another, you can find a bunch of them in the link bellow.

I've added my theme and custom font in my repo to make it easy for anyone to try, its really easy to setup.

  1. Open iterm preferences "cmd + ," then go to Profiles

2. Click on "Color Presets" choose import ..

3. Select your theme (I am using the one that comes inside the repo)

4. Done it!! shiny new Terminal.

So thats mine zsh and terminal configurations hope you guys enjoy. There is much more you can do with antigen and iterm, i am justing scratching the surface here.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions are more then welcome.



Thiago Lioy
Cocoa Academy

iOS developer, design enthusiast, blogger, weekend cook, guitar player, traveler. Creator of iOS mag: