What is the Cloud? …And Why Do You Need Cloud Now More Than Ever?

Cocolevio, LLC
Cocolevio, LLC
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2020

If concepts like Big Data, the Internet of Things, 5G, and Cloud are confusing to you, you’re not alone. Most Americans interact with technology on a daily basis, but according to a 2019 report by Pew Research Center, the majority lack a basic understanding of how the technology they use actually works. This lack of understanding can be largely attributed to the terminology that surrounds it.

Like any other industry, tech has its own lingual shorthand or business jargon that helps practitioners efficiently communicate with one another. The issue is, we tend to introduce these buzzwords to the public with little to no clarity on what they actually mean to consumers. The average user may throw around terms like “the cloud,” or “5G” without truly understanding the technology they’re referencing.

Now more than ever, it’s important that we provide a clearer understanding to end users of the technology that has become our lifeline as social distancing and remote work is a new way of life for individuals and organizations.

So…What Is Cloud?

When you back up your cell phone photos to the cloud, or work in the cloud, what does that actually mean? In the old days, software and services were run locally on your computer or through a server.

The cloud refers to software and services that run on the Internet. Most cloud services can be accessed through a Web browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Google Chrome.

The advantage of the cloud is that it allows users to retrieve and access information on any device with an internet connection. The cloud is what allows you to edit a Google Doc on your home computer, then pick up where you left off from an app on your cell phone. Cloud computing provides infinite accessibility and convenience in our everyday lives. But with all that accessibility comes vulnerability as sensitive data is shared across networks.

How Do I Keep My Cloud Secure?

As more and more of us move to cloud conversions, it’s important to implement cloud infrastructure in a way that meets efficiency and security standards. You’ve probably heard of infamous cloud security breaches. If you’ve ever been randomly assigned a new debit card by your bank along with a notice that your account has been compromised through a vendor, you’ve likely been the indirect target of cloud tampering. Keeping your cloud secure is serious business.

With our AWS certified practitioners, Cocolevio builds cloud solutions for our clients on the most secure global cloud infrastructure available. We leverage various encryptions and security mechanisms to keep your data secure and inaccessible to unauthorized users.

Here’s How Cocolevio Can Help.

Cocolevio provides technology consulting, software development, and cloud consulting to businesses of all sizes helping to infuse tech into your day to day to maximize efficiency and profit while keeping your customers safe from potential security breaches.

Looking for Cloud Strategy for your business? Contact us.



Cocolevio, LLC
Cocolevio, LLC

We combine Consulting with Modern Technology (cloud, AI, IoT & Big Data) to plan, design, build and deliver our customers’ most important technology solutions.