Authority is ignorance. Freedom is success

Marie Hélène
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2016


Major players such as Netflix, Uber or Google mostly owe their success to their culture (combined with an awesome product). One of the main principles of Netflix’s company culture is to treat each team member as a responsible grown-up, while Google aims to create a pleasant and free work environment in which people should always keep a balanced lifestyle.

If I look at most of our clients at Cocoon, I can observe a similar pattern: our clients aim to unlock the full potential of their hires by providing them a great work environment in which freedom and responsibility are key. They do not hire people. They build teams of players embracing similar visions, life philosophies and goals.

“Hire great people and give them freedom to be awesome.”
Andrew Mason, Founder, Groupon

Give freedom, you will get respect

When you read jobs offers from Blendle, you can see they do not only bring a change to media, they also bring innovative management methods to the table and allow employees to work in an absolutely free environment. This means that they can work from wherever they like, but can also work according to the timeframe that best fits their performance. Just saying, Blendle is one of the most successful startups in the country.

People act how you treat them

Treating people the right way is a basic social skill that is often underrated. If you treat people the way you want them to act, most of them will act accordingly instinctively.

Share valuable time together

If you want your team to share a common vision, you should encourage team spirit and create bonds between each members. Poki, one of our Amsterdam-based clients, goes on a company trip each year to a tropical part of the world where they work and explore new horizons together. Out of their comfort zone, team members naturally create new bonds and develop a new working approach.

Do not build a team but a versatile community

As a founder or manager you should be able to communicate on a personal level with each member of your team and to adjust to the specificity of his/her role and personality. TravelBird, one of the most successful travel platforms made in Holland, clearly understood it and provides a work environment in which each team player can socialise and interact. This is a great way to build a strong and involved co-working community.

Be an inspiring role model

Being open-minded is key. If you ask your team to be flexible and not to act as a 9-to-5 robot, you should not act this way either. Share your vision with your team and most importantly; make your success “our success’’.

Are you looking to join an empowering team and to freely contribute to building great projects? Check out Cocoon’s vacancies, we have hundreds of jobs for you to swipe through where you can contribute to make an impact while remaining loyal to your real self.

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Marie Hélène

800 Hours certified yoga teacher — Content Creator- Former Tech Girl — Spiritual Seeker — I write in French and English