Cocoon’s Golden Rules for a Killer Profile

Marie Hélène
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2016

We recently released our app on iOS and Android (Yay!!!!). So what’s new for Cocoon, besides a rocking profile on the App Store? Well many things and… we can say that we finally ease the job seeking process for hundreds of job seekers. Thanks to Cocoon you can now look for a job whenever you want, wherever you are. Picture yourself now that spring is finally here: you, your smartphone, at the park, enjoying the sun and…. swiping jobs on Cocoon. Hell yeah! We do not only ease your job search, we also make it fun!

However how easy Cocoon is, there are still a couple of rules you should follow if you want to get the best out of our app. Standing out amongst the other candidates is crucial, so here are some Golden rules:

1 — Set a career goal

See Cocoon as a way to check with your inner self and to find out what you really want to do with your career. There is nothing more appealing than a candidate who knows where they are going and why. If you have no clue of what you want, how can you feel passionate about your job?

2 — List your skills accurately

While looking for a job it is always crucial to define what your assets are. Ask yourself the right questions: What do you like to do? What would you like to improve? What is the next challenge you want to take? Don’t be too modest and select too little skills, but also don’t overdo it.

3 — Would you hire YOU?

Try to look at your profile through the eye of an hiring manager or even Founder. What information do they want to see? What skills are important for the new challenges you are looking for? What is your greatest asset? What makes you special?

4 — Make sure your profile is complete

Yes, we know you sign up with your awesome LinkedIn profile that contains everything about your professional path. HOWEVER Dude! Accuracy matters and you should make sure that all information that matters to you is featured in your Cocoon profile. Edit your profile to make it complete!

5 — Give a fair rating to your skills

Again, don’t select more than 5 different skills. Select your speciality. What makes you the perfect hire? It’s important to highlight what you are good at to allow us to show you jobs that perfectly fit you! Then assign all the stars to them, honestly! And use them all up! Don’t be too modest, show yourself off!

6 — Swipe jobs like a machine

Breaking news! New jobs are added every day on Cocoon. We add new positions and companies to our platform all the time so that you can diverse company cultures and of course a large range of jobs that actually fit you. So come back and check-in with us a few times a week to make sure you don’t miss out on any awesome opportunities! Don’t be shy and swipe jobs like a machine!

Good luck and let us know about your matches on Cocoon!

Originally published at on May 18, 2016.



Marie Hélène

800 Hours certified yoga teacher — Content Creator- Former Tech Girl — Spiritual Seeker — I write in French and English