BUX Founders

Get BUX and trade like a punk

Marie Hélène
3 min readJan 20, 2016


If someone would have told me a trading app would ever be running on my smart phone, I would have found this so odd and answered something like:

“Hell no, dude, I am a creative type! I am too cool for numbers and trades. The only curves I am interested in are the ones I learnt at Vinyasa Yoga.”

However that was before I stumbled into BUX, discovered finance could be fun and that I could actually enjoy to discover all aspects of stock exchanges as long as it was explained in a funky, simple and fun manner. It came clear to me that my problem was not the stock exchange but the ‘’oh so boring’’ explanations most financial people feel obliged to feed novices like me with.

BUX makes compatible finance and trust

There is a before and an after 2008. Before 2008 was the glorious age of golden boys who lost much of the lustre since then. New golden boys in 2016 surely are tech guys — and hipsters of course.It’s hot to be a nerd. Designed and imagined in Amsterdam, BUX is one of the hottest Fin Tech project as it encompasses finance and fun, an rather unexpected combination. Yes for real! A very unique concept that positively impacts society as it allows anyone who’s interested in learning more about the stock exchange and all its tricks, to understand basic mechanisms.

Wall Street goes mainstream

Goes mainstream… what does this stand for? Are “golden boys” heading out the street for a parade? That’s not exactly like this. BUX is a casual app that unleashes the trading potential of all. Self-proclaimed “casual trading app”, they aim to turn finance and trading into an easy — oh yeah and almost as casual as denim — game for everybody.

When you meet Niels Vrijhoeven, BUX’S Head of Brand and Communication, you will quickly find out is not exactly the “typical finance guy”. Aimed to redefine finance and trading BUX impulses and inspires a brand new category of traders on the market.

Trade like a boss

Ultimately BUX revivifies finance by bringing a refreshing and innovative concept on the table. In other words, BUX is a democratic app that allows everybody to penetrate a world that used to be the playing field of a very restricted circle of insiders. The app is designed for self-learners willing to discover a new battlefield, for curious minded people with a great taste for challenges and new experiences.

BUX clearly take us out of our comfort zone however the app remains safe and users friendly oriented as the amount of loss is limited. At first you can build your stock exchange knowledge with virtual money FunBUX. What is more, the amount of loss is limited as BUX is the only trading app where it is not possible to lose a higher amount than you invested as you will benefit from BUX notices that allow you to close your stock.

Creative mood for financial fun

Company culture wise, I was surprised by the casual atmosphere at BUX’s office. You will see a place that intertwines creative skills and financial knowledge. This comes as the result of the hire of plenty of creative minded people, hand picked outside the financial world who learn finance together with BUX’ users. A fantastic way to open up the world to finance and to enrich our financial and economic knowledge while having fun.

So what about giving it a shot and becoming tomorrow’s next big boy?

From Cocoon’s Folks, with ❤

Originally published at blog.cocoonapp.co on January 20, 2016.



Marie Hélène

800 Hours certified yoga teacher — Content Creator- Former Tech Girl — Spiritual Seeker — I write in French and English