Learn From the Expert — 6 Secrets on How TMG Attracts Tech Talents

Interview with Tech Recruiter Alette Dybesland Lie

Ruby Kun
5 min readDec 15, 2016


Telegraaf Media Groep N.V. (TMG) is one of the largest media companies in the Netherlands, with brands like De Telegraaf, GeenStijl, Relatieplanet, Speurders, Metro, Autovisie, and VROUW.

With increasing varieties of mobile devices to access content digitally, TMG needs more tech talents than ever before. Yet the demand of techies is way beyond supply, how can large corporations stand out to hire the best tech talents in a candidate-driven market?

The Cocoon team had the pleasure to meet Alette Dybesland Lie, Tech Recruiter at TMG, to get to know the secret recipes TMG is using to get top tech talents on board.

Shhh…. Don’t tell anyone!

Secret 1: Look Beyond Recruitment Agencies

“Why let the recruitment agencies get to build relationships with candidates instead of me?”

That was the key reason for TMG now building their own talent pool.

In the past TMG used to rely on agencies recruiting most of their techies. Of course it still needs the expertise of an agency from time to time, but instead of spending time on managing agencies, TMG puts higher priority on building direct relationships with its potential tech employees.

Skipping agencies not only saves Alette time and improves candidate quality, it also helps Alette build direct relationships and trust with talents. “It’s so much easier for me, instead of a third party, to give candidates information about the company, job requirements and the team. Unlike agencies, we can immediately address any questions candidates might have.”

Secret 2: Trash that Motivation Letter

Source: lawschoolisdifferent.com

“I believe in starting a conversation. I don’t believe in motivation letters. ”

That is exactly what echoes with Cocoon’s vision. For Alette, CV is the first thing she looks at to screen potential candidates with relevant experiences and skills. Then having a phone call as soon as possible is key to determine whether there is a match and to get candidates enthusiastic about TMG.

“Since I understand exactly what skills the hiring managers are looking for, it is easy for me to screen CVs to find initial fits. Then I arrange a call with the candidate as soon as possible. Through the phone I can feel if this person can be a fit for the team and whether he or she can potentially take the team to the next level.”

Secret 3: Look Beyond Standard HR Metrics

“I sit with the hiring managers for at least an hour to understand what they need before I even write the job ad.”

A recruiter’s job is so much more than simply filling vacancies. Apart from technical skills and relevant work experiences, candidates’ personality, cultural fit to the team, potential value to add to the team and aspiration are all aspects Alette will take into account.

Acting as the bridge between candidates and hiring managers, Alette ensures she gives candidates an experience as pleasant, transparent and smooth as she can, while taking as much workload off from hiring managers as possible.

That’s is why she values Happy Candidate index and Happy Manager index the most, since the quality of candidates and their fit to the team are way more important than the standard HR metrics like cost-per-hire and time-to-fill.

Secret 4: Speak in Their Language

Source: skillcrush.com

“I am not going to approach a Java developer for a Javascript position.”

One of the things techies hated the most is to be evaluated by recruiters who do not understand tech. With a university degree in Psychology, Alette confessed there were times she got challenged by talents on her technical knowledge.

“A developer insisted that I put him through to someone who could actually answer his technical questions. I said well, try me.”

Usually after the conversations, the talents were impressed. How? Learning technical concepts, processes and basic coding is key, Alette said, “To convince talents that I know what I am talking about, I try to understand how a stack is built, processes of software development, how Scrum and Agile works..so that I can explain to the candidates what they will be doing.”

Secret 5: Love What You Do

“I find the tech personality really charming. They are good at what they do and they can literally build something that attracts millions of visitors.”

No. It is not like Alette is falling for every techie she meets. She finds them fascinating because she can truly feel their passion. “Tech people are incredibly passionate about what they do. What they do as their job is very often also their hobby.”

Because of Alette’s genuine interest in techies, she loves to know them better even outside working hours. For instance, she mingles with IT teams during Friday night drinks and attends Tech meetups.

Secret 6: Approach Talents on Cocoon

“In just 2.5 months, I have got 28 matches with tech talents on Cocoon.”

Alette used to work for a recruitment agency before she got headhunted by TMG. She joined TMG as a Tech Recruiter in April 2016. Since then she hired over 20 tech talents in 8 months. Apart from online platforms like Linkedin, Indeed, their own career site, Alette also uses Cocoon to speed up hiring process without increasing the costs. “If I see an interesting profile on Cocoon, I can reach out directly and engage a warm conversation.”

Are you looking for tech talents and do you believe in starting a conversation like Alette? Post your job ads on Cocoon and reach out to talents now.

(Related Article: Tech Recruiters: 3 Reasons Why Developers Do Not Reply to You)

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Ruby Kun

Swipe Right to land a job you’ll love in Startups in the Netherlands | Head of Branding & Communications at Cocoon