Stellar Releases the Hottest Airdrop in History

Blockchain and SDF will give away $125million worth of XLM tokens for FREE to promote the mainstream adoption.

Natalia Nowakowska
2 min readNov 20, 2018 announced Stellar airdrop to drive adoption.

On 6th Nov 2018 wallet together with the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) announced they will launch the largest free token giveaway in history. The goal? To drive mainstream adoption and entice both the token enthusiast and entirely new users to learn more about crypto and test Stellar’s instant, low-cost, global payments platform.

The biggest airdrop campaign in history will see $125million worth of Stellar tokens — Lumens (XLM) released to the customers of the Blockchain wallet with the goal to promote the Stellar platform and popularise the use of Lumen tokens.

Each particular airdrop will be worth around $25 at the time of tokens giveaway, with the current value at $0,233 (as per 19th Nov 2018).

1 Stellar (XLM) ~ $0.233

Airdrop Est. Value ~ $25

When announcing the Stellar tokens release, the CEO of Blockchain, Peter Smith, talked about how getting free tokens is a fantastic way for mainstream users to learn more about crypto and experiment with tokens.

Airdrop announcement at WebSummit 2018 from the CEO of Blockchain, Peter Smith.

How to Get Free Stellar Tokens?

To receive Stellar tokens — Lumens (XLM) you will have to go to the website and sign up for the waiting list. When it’s your turn to get free tokens, you will receive an email with detailed instructions.

To obtain XLM tokens you will need to download the Blockchain wallet, create an account, and verify your identity. website promises that the registered and verified users will have more opportunities to collect Stellar bounties on top of the promised $25 airdrop.

What is Stellar?

Stellar is a decentralised, open-source payment protocol that enables faster, low-cost, cross-border payments and exchanges between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Stellar is also an open platform where companies and institutions can build their financial products.

Stellar Development Foundation (SDF), the Stellar Platform and Stellar’s native digital tokens (XLM) all launched in 2014 with the seed investment from Stripe, a popular payment system. At its launch, the project drew a great interest from financial institutions, venture capital, large companies, mainstream and media.

Stellar is also a former name of Stellar’s native digital tokens, currently called Lumens (XLM). The popular tokens are now the 5th largest cryptocurrency in the world with the market cap of almost $4.5 billion.

Coinmarketcap as per 19th Nov 2018.

Sign up for Stellar Airdrop and follow the latest airdrop updates using Cocoricos tracking and Airdrop Tasker tool!



Natalia Nowakowska

Content writer & editor for a tokenisation platform, Cocoricos.