World Regulating TikTok Interfere With Right To Free Speech

Michael D. Martinez
COD Social Media as News
6 min readMay 13, 2024

Stephen, Harris, Michael


Does Banning TikTok Limit Freedom of Speech — Blog

In 2016, TikTok was launched with little to no expectations. After a few years of rather stale progress, the app exploded in 2020. Once the app exploded during 2020, it had brought in 456.7 million users making it one of the biggest social media platforms out. TikTok is a place where users can share their hobbies, grow a business and give anyone a creative outlet.

Unfortunately since TikTok isn’t owned by the US the House passed a bill forcing the creators (ByteDance) to sell the app to a US based company. ByteDance has roughly nine months or 270 days to do (from April 23). If they fail to do so the app will be banned in the US.

This hasn’t left a good taste in the users mouths as there have been protests against the app. Fans of the app have started to go on rallies to show that they are upset with this ruling. It’s not one group of people either as this affects a ton of people. There’s a multitude of different ways to look at this issue and having this perspective makes for an extremely compelling argument.

One group you have business owners and mainly small business owners. The government has put an emphasis on promoting small businesses due to the economical impact but if they ban TikTok they’re attacking these owners. Per The Signal 77% of small businesses who use TikTok say sales have gone up over the last year. The reason why is that these businesses are able to get their products out to the world and directly connect with new customers.

Even if you’re looking at this from another perspective, it hurts the average american. Most TikTok users are just everyday people trying to find a creative outlet or even just consume content. Especially for those in need of a creative outlet, we’ve seen TikTok lift thousands out of depression especially during the Covid 19 era. Taking away that outlet would be crushing.

Keep in mind there’s thousands of people who rely on TikTok as their full time job. It’s very hypocritical to say speech is limited in America and then do this. The same can be said with how the government talks about trying to add new jobs. Yet they’re doing the exact opposite here.

As of recently, a story that has been in intense debate is the banning or controlling of the online social media platform, TikTok. This Chinese-owned platform has been one of the fastest-recorded growing online communities of all time, currently clocking over 1.5 billion users across the world. The platform has come under fire lately as American government officials are questioning the company’s privacy and information settings. This debate is huge because of how many people are being affected, Tik Tok has some of the youngest users as kids flock to the site to follow new trends and ideas causing the app to have a very young presence. Aside from its young audience, TikTok also brings in many people of older ages who are trying to catch up with the times and get active in social media’s continually expanding universe.

“A measure to outlaw the popular video-sharing app has won congressional approval and is on its way to President Biden for his signature. The measure gives Beijing-based parent company ByteDance nine months to sell the company, with a possible additional three months if a sale is in progress. If it doesn’t, TikTok will be banned.” as per AP News.

This is a hot topic because as much as there are privacy concerns, A lot of the American people are on TikTok, and it is not just people trying to be influencers. Many user accounts are the sources for businesses to grow. From big businesses to small shops to brands just starting, this is a great app for people to have their business on because of the massive marketing outlets it offers. TikToks online database records that over 7 million businesses are on its platform, all of them with different focuses but the main goal being to get views and exposure. TikTok has shown us that it is the most fair and maybe the easiest to go viral on but what happens if this app is pulled from circulation? Many users will flock to other platforms but my guess is there will be many users upset and ready to pushback.

Photo : 3 woman are standing outside of House of Represantives peacefully protesting agaisnt the TikTok Ban due to it interfering with Freedom of Speech and Action in Washington on Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2023. The signs the woman hold up say “My teaching thrives on TikTok” which indicates that they use TikTok platform to put out their. teaching skill to people other users in the app. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

As the debate over the banning or controlling of TikTok intensifies, it brings to light crucial questions about freedom of speech and the impact of governmental decisions on everyday citizens. With its rapid growth, TikTok has become a significant platform, drawing in not only the youngest users but also older individuals seeking to engage with evolving social media trends.

The recent approval of a measure to outlaw TikTok by Congress and its signing by President Biden highlights how serious the situation is. This move grants ByteDance a limited timeframe to sell the company, failing which TikTok faces a ban. The implications of such an action extend far beyond privacy concerns, affecting millions of users and businesses that rely on the platform.

TikTok serves as more than just a source of entertainment, it is a vital tool for businesses of all sizes. With over 7 million businesses leveraging its vast audience for marketing and exposure, TikTok has democratized the process of going viral and reaching new customers. For small businesses, in particular, the platform has been instrumental in driving sales and growth, with 77% reporting increased sales over the past year.

Furthermore, TikTok plays a significant role in providing a creative outlet for its users, particularly during challenging times like the Covid-19 pandemic. Many individuals turn to the platform for inspiration, connection, and relief from stress or loneliness. Removing this outlet would not only stifle expression but also impact mental well-being, particularly for those who rely on TikTok as a source of income or emotional support.

The potential ban also raises concerns about the consistency of government policies regarding freedom of speech and job creation. While advocating for free speech and job growth, the government’s actions in targeting TikTok appear contradictory. By restricting access to a platform that empowers individuals to express themselves and pursue entrepreneurial endeavors, the government risks undermining its own principles and stifling innovation.

In conclusion, the debate surrounding the banning of TikTok transcends privacy issues, touching upon fundamental principles of freedom of speech and economic opportunity. As policymakers deliberate on the future of the platform, it is essential to consider the diverse ways in which TikTok impacts individuals and businesses alike. Finding a balanced solution that addresses concerns while upholding democratic values is crucial in navigating this complex issue.

People who aren’t taking the situation as serious make comments on how the TikTok ban will lead to these influencers running out of money and having to end up working at fast food chains/regular jobs and head back to reality.

