Keeping Local Documents Local in a CouchDB-Style Replication Job

For when you replicate data, but need to leave a bit of config behind


The Apache CouchDB™ family has a JSON document database for every application:

  • Apache CouchDB can be installed on your own desktop or servers in single node or clustered installations
  • IBM Cloudant is a hosted version of CouchDB running on IBM’s cloud
  • PouchDB can be installed in many flavours but is commonly used as an in-browser database, to store client-side data with or without network connectivity

All three members of the family can sync data between each other to create hybrid, multi-homed applications where data lives on a mobile device, or in the cloud, or both.

The act of replicating a database moves JSON documents from the source database to the target, but some documents are left behind. These are local documents.

We can replicate all the sand (data), but ensure our lone flamingo stays put (local doc). Photo by Jerry Kiesewetter on Unsplash.

What are CouchDB local documents?

CouchDB local documents are JSON documents whose _id value starts with _local/:

"_id": "_local/config",
"code": "red",
"defcon": 2,
"timestamp": "2018-02-10"

What are local CouchDB documents used for?

If you are replicating data between two members of the CouchDB family (e.g., between your PouchDB-powered web app and hosted Cloudant), you may need to store some configuration on the client side that is:

  • never to be replicated
  • not counted in queries, views or aggregations

I use local documents for storing configuration or other application state that is to remain on the machine it was created on. It saves you from the work of creating a separate client-side database just to store a tiny amount of configuration data.

The CouchDB replicator uses local documents to keep track of where it got to by writing state in local documents to the source and target database.

CRUD operations for CouchDB local documents

Local documents are created in a similar way to normal JSON documents by using an HTTP POST:

HEAD="Content-type: application/json"
curl -X POST -H "$HEAD" -d "$DOC" "$URL"
# {"ok":true,"id":"_local/config","rev":"0-1"}


# note that the document _id is now in the URL
HEAD="Content-type: application/json"
curl -X PUT -H "$HEAD" -d "$DOC" "$URL"
# {"ok":true,"id":"_local/config","rev":"0-1"}

Or in JavaScript using PouchDB:

var doc = {"_id":"_local/config","code":"red"};

One important difference between local documents and regular documents is that you don’t need to supply a _rev token when updating or deleting a local document. As local documents are never going to be replicated, the _rev token is not used and is fixed at a value "0-1" and can effectively be ignored.

Updating a local document is a case of simply repeating the POST or PUT with a new document (note the lack of _rev token):

curl -X PUT -H "$HEAD" -d "$DOC" "$URL"

Deleting a document requires a HTTP DELETE (note the lack of _rev token):

curl -X DELETE ""
# {"ok":true,"id":"_local/config","rev":"0-0"}

That’s all for this quick tip on _local/ documents in the CouchDB ecosystem. Hopefully it comes in handy for your next replication job! And if you’re looking to do something similar with environment variables and Node.js, check out my article on using the dotenv package:

Apache®, Apache CouchDB™, CouchDB™, and the red couch logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries.

