Too many walls, not enough bridges

Şekip Can Gökalp
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2022

Frens, I’m extremely excited to give everyone this update. An amazing group of smart and dedicated people have been working really hard on this and I speak for them all when I say that we are thrilled to get going!

I was fortunate to have been introduced to Bitcoin nearly 8 years ago, and I’ve been a believer since. Coming from Istanbul, and having experienced what the “internet of information” did for me and people around me, even the distant possibility of a true “internet of value” was very exciting. Over time, real world applications started to emerge and the first time I actually paid for something with DeFi earnings felt as magical as playing Diablo online for the first time (probably ’97, which is an incredible 25 years ago!). So when pioneers like the Sky Mavis or Sandbox teams started showing proof at scale early last year, I was very excited that it was time for our team to contribute meaningfully as a builder.

Many people, including myself, think web3 gaming is a big deal. It will take a while for the implications to fully play out, but I do believe web3 principles and technology will facilitate huge benefits for the gaming industry and it’s passionate player/creator participants. Turning playtime and games into (near-)permanent assets that have value beyond walled gardens will simply mean a lot more inclusivity as it opens up this economy to a broader base. I like that a lot of the early success stories are coming from the unlikely corners of the world, this will only get better imho.

One prominent pillar of web3 games is of course Play and Earn. You play a game and earn tokens for your time and skills. There’s many reasons to be bullish on P&E. But my favorite reason is: P&E gives game players and creators the key to taking over the gaming industry and accumulating more of the spoils that our industry has to offer. It creates a new network that comes with built-in incentives for participants to collaborate without middlemen. That sounds pretty great. But of course it’s easier said than done.

It will be a while before web3 principles become the norm for a meaningful portion of players and studios out there. But we believe the critical components will be scale and choice. As more creators join the cause, web3 players will get more choice, and that choice and diversity will help the ecosystem thrive. If we empower builders to build, we know players will come. This is why we’re building the Infinite Arcade. Our vision is to eliminate the barriers for the millions of studios and developers to enter this space and bring their content to players who care about ownership and community.

Infinite Arcade empowers developers of casual and hyper casual games to launch web3 dynamics like NFT’s, ownership, and P&E into their games without having to figure out the blockchain technology landscape, designing a token economy, or building a community from scratch. This will unlock masses of studios, and bring a wide choice of high quality content to the web3 ecosystem. Gamers will earn across thousands of games. Developers will jump into the metaverse with ease. And the scale will grow. More people will join in, and things will get more and more exciting. We feel it’s time to stop building walls, and focus on bridges and this is an experiment to bridge the potential of web2 talent to web3.

Let’s talk about what we have planned.

  • The Gamers NFT Collection will go on sale in March — these NFTs will be the access keys to enter the Infinite Arcade and the Play & Earn functionality
  • Players and Creators will earn $TIC and $ARC tokens across 5 games, then 10, then 100, and so on,
  • Guilds will be able to easily manage their scholars, calculate and distribute earnings, and summon new NFTs to grow and sell
  • Studios & Developers will get one, easy SDK to enable Infinite Arcade Play & Earn without having to re-design or compromise their games
  • And the community will be able to build on top of the ecosystem

There’s so much more to talk about, but I’ll leave it there for now. Visit our site, read our whitepaper, and join the Discord. Infinite Arcade starts today.



Şekip Can Gökalp

Co-Founder & CEO @codaplatform. Core contributor @infinitearcade