Already with 10 engagements in its first year!

4 min readNov 26, 2014


2014 saw CODAME launch the Adopt Program and it’s been an amazing success! An initiative designed to catalyze collaboration between innovative new media artists and visionary technology companies, Adopt Program takes many forms. Each engagement is a unique pairing and we’re proud to announce the ART+TECH projects that found homes this year:

Collab Zone

Collab Zone: Interactive Data Visualization — Adopted by Box.

Box commissioned this interactive installation, for their thousands of customers, attending their annual BoxWorks conference, to visualize an interactive, time based social graph for the people you work with. Your co-workers, vendors, suppliers, and customers.

Collab Zone, an installation that visualizes the modern workplace, uses real data to illustrate the radical changes taking place in the way we work. It shows how workers are growing more collaborative and the depth of those interactions. It unravels the shift in work habits in seven industries including tightly regulated ones like healthcare and finance.

The result is an interactive piece that combines physics, data visualization, and performance art.

This immersive experience, a truly remarkable undertaking, was made possible thanks to the generous support of Box as part of CODAME’s Adopt an Artist program.

“Collab Zone” was also covered by the media, such as The New York Times.


Fluidscapes: Art Gallery of snapshots in time of a simulated fluid field — Adopted by Organic, Inc.

Organic and CODAME have come together to bring you code-generated art by REZA. Hundreds of tech artists celebrated the opening of REZA’s work at the Organic offices in San Francisco, used as a gallery space.

Mobile Cloud Platform

Mobile Cloud Platform: Cutting-edge LED and sound effects creating an orchestra of sunsets, lightning storms, and thunder — Adopted By California Academy of Sciences

The Mobile Cloud Platform and aerialist Lyra Levin appear at the California Academy of Sciences for NightLife LIVE on August 7, 2014, presented by CODAME ART+TECH in support of the Adopt an Artist program.

Ecstatic Epiphany

Ecstatic Epiphany: a human-scale window into an imaginary space — Adopted by CounterPULSE.

Installed in public behind an existing glass block wall. This piece is for anyone on the sidewalk to watch and control. Each moment is unique, echoed but never repeated. Free for all to play at 80 Turk st., San Francisco.


#LeapyBird Literally flap your way to victory! — Adopted by Shopify.

As part of an hackathon hosted by the Wix Lounge in San Francisco, developers and designers, played LeapyBird in between work in hope to inspire and bring some smiles between hacks and bug fixing.


FIRE>ME: Play with me, play with fire — Adopted by ProtoHack

During ProtoHack San Francisco 140 attendees had to opportunity to play with fire. Virtually of course!

LaTurbo Avedon

LaTurbo Avedon virtual avatar whose identity is only connected to online expression — Adopted by SwissNex San Francisco.

LaTurbo was invited to attend Spatial Stories: Augmented and Virtual Realities, an evening of immersive games and installations incorporating virtual and augmented reality, held in conjunction with GDC. For the joy of many game developers and artists.


Techn(O)pticon: A camera booth generating special effect animated GIF images — Adopted by Rackspace.

Not the typical photo booth, the Techn(O)pticon’s home is Geekdom San Francisco collaborative workspace for developers and startups supported by Rackspace.


ART+TECH Magnet iBeacon powered 3D printed object to connect with the artist and their work — Adopted by Estimote.

To be launched in 2015, we are still looking for 3D printer company for additional support. Contact us if interested to learn more or adopt this little guy.

Sustainable Magic

Sustainable Magic — Using art and technology, create engaging, interactive art with the aim to evoke surprise, wonder, delight, magic, and playfulness in their viewers —Adopted by CODAME

Yes, we have decided to adopt a project too! Thanks to your donations and support we have made our own contribution to the program as well. We (including you) are proud supporters of the success of Sustainable Magic Kickstarter campaign.

Expect to see the Magic Box mobile maker media lab + pop-up creativity classroom, innovation gallery: inspiring & educating thousands with technology at CODAME events in 2015!

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We build ART+TECH projects and nonprofit events, to inspire through experience. Join us!