Creations of 2016

Florian Zumbrunn
Published in
13 min readJan 4, 2017

A new year is starting, and I wanted to take some time to reunite every creations I made in 2016.
I already shared some or filled my portfolio with it, but I also have a lot of “steps”/experiments I didn’t or couldn’t share.
I was thinking it would be nice to reunite everything in one page! :)


I started the year with a little challenge: creating something new every day.
Inspired by many people, but mostly Beeple; and fueled by some friends like Makio which played the same intense game, I started to create stuff for 7 days using shadertoy.
I invite you to take a look at my profile if you wanna see them in motion!

7 days of shadertoy

It was an awesome exercise that teached me a lot about shaders. And also made me less scared of this dark magic environment that is shadertoy ;)


I then switched to Cinema4d, that I wanted to play with since a while. For 2 reasons:

  • I wanted to get better at 3D and understanding more concept. I think that digging inside a 3D software is a very good way to approach 3D development from a new perspective.
  • The desire of creating stuff from A to Z, and without any performance constrains (except your computer haha).
  • A pipeline closer to the “Art director” job, let’s say.
    It’s interesting to start something in C4D, finishing it in Photoshop. And why not export stuff to use them with dev in the future.

Those everydays stopped after 71days. Which means almost 3month of daily creation, aside from my professional projects.
It was extremely rewarding and made me feel super happy to create something for me, for fun, on such a long period.

Happy New Year of the Monkey

During the everydays, David (Makio) wanted to do a “duo-day” at the occasion of the Chinese New Year.

We teamed up for an afternoon + evening to create a WebGL experiment around this theme.

You can view it online here.

First project realized this year. I talked about it with more details on my portfolio, so don’t hesitate to check it there if you want to learn more about it.

Happy to have worked on this tho!
We got some nice awards as FWA (SOTD), AWWWARDS (SOTD) and AWWWARDS (DEVAWARD).


I got approached by Bright to work on some Data Visualization to represent each French city for ERDF.
It was for the occasion of the Salon des Maires and it was our first collaboration.

It was for me the occasion to dig into some metaballs effects to generate some interesting and unique visuals.

Some visual research on Photoshop:

Some R&D pieces:

And some realizations out of the final program:


A project that occupied a lot of my time in 2016!
Made with the talented and awesome team at it was the occasion to work hard with GHiOM to create a neat and detailed WebGL experience (hello many many vertices) around the new watch from Ferrari.

I will talk about it in a detailed way on my portfolio very soon.

The project is still accessible online here.


Still in collaboration with Bright, I worked on some printed artworks and animations/projections/installations for a the opening of a new building.

It was super interesting, and I forgot I did so much researchs/creations for this!
A bunch of processing sketches and webgl experiments.

The R&D/Graphical research part 1:

The R&D/Graphical research part 2:

The R&D/Graphical research part 3:

The R&D/Graphical research part 4:

The final result:


My favorite project of the year, maybe because it was a lot of investment (money, time, preparation), and also super rich on multiple level.
We met a lot of people, spoke about our job and passions; discovered many places in Japan, during all August 2016.
David and I thought about this project since the start of the year, and we decided to give it life. Our padawan Mathis Biabiany joined us in this adventure, and we came back with 6 videos of projections & projection mapping.

Follow us (MakioAndFloz) on Facebook!

Learn more about it on my portfolio.


My first VJ experience!
Such a great moment :)

I performed in 2 differents places in Tokyo.
- Event Different Directions @ TimeOut Café in Tokyo (Thanks thanks!)
- Concert event (Bring The Sun Trio) @ SpaceOrbit in Tokyo (Thanks Amon!!)

ChristmasExperiment 2016

The new version of the website of christmasexperiments for 2016.

With my participation which is an adaptation of my VJ.
Got another idea but… I had to adapt due to a lot of side work!


I had to omit 2 projects that has not been released or used yet… But I will update this page later on with them :)

Anyway, it has been a great and interesting year!
Looking forward to do better and different in 2017!

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