Shaders workshop with Char Stiles kicks off #CodeArtTogether series

Jordan Gray
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2020


Online workshops cultivate space to play, which guides sense-making and sparks innovation.

☞ Connecting, Building, and Sharing are the pillars of CODAME workshops.

We are still accepting proposals, let us know what workshop you want to attend or run!

FashionTech Workshop with Anouk Wipprecht

This week we announced a series of #CodeArtTogether workshops, starting with Shaders taught by Char Stiles on April 18th. Adapting CODAME signature workshops for cyber school has been a fruitful exercise. More and more we realize ways that online education aligns with our goals and values.

Internet-based tools means you can jump right into creative results. There’s no slogging through environment setup. Editors like make it easy to collaborate and even ping the community for help. It’s a short step to sharing your outcomes when many online tools publish linkable results as you go.

Isolation has brought us closer to our international community of creators. The imagineers running CODAME workshops are world…



Jordan Gray

co-Founder of @CODAME ART+TECH ✾ Creative Commons Mixed Media Artist @staRpauSe ✾ Dayan Qigong moving meditation mentor