Thank you for the ART+TECH Passion, Inspiration and Support

2019 marked one of CODAME’s most exciting and ambitious years to date.

Bruno Fonzi
7 min readJan 9, 2020


My co-founder: Jordan Gray @ CODAME ART+TECH Festival『 SPACE 』

We’re so excited to see how the community is growing: this year, we expanded beyond our stronghold of San Francisco, bringing more internationally-recognized artists installations, performances and workshops, and just can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to experience and celebrate our annual CODAME ART+TECH Festival『 SPACE 』

During 2019’s 3-day festival, we welcomed more than 2,000 attendees, 65 volunteers, and 50 artists, showcasing 30 projects. A festival of this scale is a huge amount of work and it could not have been possible without the passion, time, and effort from all the participating CODAME artists, volunteers, and supporters like you!

Your ticket donations are what make CODAME happen and support the artists. Your inspiration is the fuel that keeps us going, and your passionate support allows us to have a greater impact in the ART+TECH community in San Francisco and around the world.

We were also stoked to announce Tom Liguori’s infinity mirror artwork brought an $8,000 sales donation at the festival! Thank you, Tom, for supporting CODAME’s ART+TECH mission.

Finally, special thanks go to our sponsors: GitHub, The Garage at Microsoft, Salesforce UX and Artivive team, and our Community partners: Open Austria, Reimagine, ZERO1, CounterPulse, Leonardo/ISAST , The Center For Advancing Innovation (CAI) and itSeez3D. Your support made it all possible.

This year, in addition to the nightlife with performances and installations, we doubled down on art workshops covering Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Music, XR, Data Visualization and Storytelling through Science, with some of the most talented people in the Bay Area and around the world:

Make Art With AI with Gary Boodhoo

Data Visualization with James Proctor

Sound-Space Music with Moldover Musical-AntiHero

Time bending media with Virgil Widrich

Science Through Story with Sara ElShafie

Analog + Digital 360 Sketching with Michael S. Scherotter

Immersive XR Journeys with Jasmine Roberts

Augmented Reality Art with Angeli Clarisse Lata

The ART+TECH Community Dialog and Feedback

We ended the festival with the ART+TECH Salon, a community gathering with a panel where we discussed “Injecting Artists into High-Tech Startups to Transform Industries”,

CODAME ART+TECH 『 SPACE 』Salon — More photos

Moderated by Rosemarie Truman with the following great list of panelists supporting the ART+TECH:

Joe Andolina, Director of Product Marking at Salesforce

Janeann Dill, Ph.D, MFA, MA, Creative Intelligence Consultant

Diana Ayton-Shenker, CEO at Leonardo/ISAST

Martin Rauchbauer, Austrian Consul and Open Austria co-director

Alistair Alexander, Project lead for The Glass Room at Tactical Tech

As is our tradition, we closed the festival with an inspiring fireside chat where we embraced a dialog, received feedback, and heard recommendations from attendees to help shape CODAME’s future with my CODAME co-founder Jordan Gray and Art Curator Vanessa Chang.

CODAME ART+TECH 『 SPACE 』Fireside Chat — More photos

At the wrap-up, we got some great feedback and recommendations which we commit to keep in mind as we continue to evolve and grow CODAME in the year to come. Here’s what we learned, and what we plan to do.

1. Keep the startup spirit, stay curious, and exploring

CODAME ART+TECH Festival『 SPACE 』- Hololens project from The Garage Team Microsoft + Open Source

We will continue to embrace the startup culture here in Silicon Valley, the openness, kindness and creativity of San Francisco and connecting with the rest of the world.

As Pablo Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” CODAME is now 9 years old and still growing. We will never stop exploring this ever-evolving world with you.

We will keep learning from each initiative, event, project and continue to shape the future by building playful ART+TECH projects and hosting inspiring experiences, connecting people of all specialties and backgrounds.

2. Run more workshops

Sold out: Make Art With AI workshop with Gary Boodhoo @ CODAME ART+TECH Festival『 SPACE 』

Workshops enable us to master the tools, make technology more accessible and express the creativity and the artist in all of us, driving innovation and engagement by embracing exploration. All that means workshops are a fantastic fit as part of the CODAME mission. We definitely plan to host more workshops in future CODAME programs.

3. Keep supporting Artists

Tom Liguori’s infinity at the CODAME ART+TECH Festival『 SPACE 』

Tom Liguori’s infinity mirror artwork sale at our latest ART+TECH Festival was a great reminder we can do much more to support the artists. While we do split all ticket proceeds will participating artists in our events, from now on, every artwork shown at CODAME will be available for sale, to support the artists and CODAME mission.

While this year『 SPACE 』Mission is accomplished, we have plenty of more work to do and are looking forward to next year for the 10th anniversary of CODAME!

We will include the above feedback for this year program and the future at CODAME, please keep nurturing our curiosity.

Give us more feedback

We invite you to share your ideas and proposals to shape our future by giving feedback about our ART+TECH Festival in this quick survey. Your input will help us provide you with better ART+TECH programs in the future.

Video Credit: Michael Axtell at

P.S.: If you are looking for other ways to help CODAME, there is no lack of options and opportunities:

Become a sponsor or partner

Contact Us. Embrace innovation through creativity, play, and collaboration between artists and technologists. Be recognized as the innovative and visionary organization. You can partner with us in many ways:

  • Make an in kind donation
  • Bring a CODAME installation or performance to your event or team offsite
  • Sponsor a CODAME event
  • Support an ART+TECH workshop
  • Build a visionary project with us

Join us as a volunteer

Me and some of the amazing volunteers at the CODAME ART+TECH Festival『 SPACE 』

Apply to be part of the magic! CODAME is all volunteer-run and we’re always in need for help. Volunteer opportunities include: video editors, editorial/social media help, event planning, and business development.

What are the benefits to you? It’s a fun and extremely rewarding experience as you learn new skills and pass your knowledge on to others. You’ll meet like-minded people, make friends and build a network of people from all backgrounds who share a common passion for ART+TECH.

Artists wanted!

If you have interesting work, lecture, performance, installation or workshop that you’d like us to consider, the call for proposals is perpetually open.

CODAME runs not for profit events as members of Intersection for the Arts a 501(c)(3) and all proceeds will be split with the participating artists.

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Sending more ART❤TECH love to everyone involved this year…

Jihee Hwang, Kang HaeIn, Catie Cuan, Amy LaViers, Catherine Maguire, Axel Cuevas,, Manu Luksch Ais, Refik Anadol, Stella Kuan-Ju Pan, WuNoa Kaplan, Szilvia Ruszev, Emma Lefley, Colin Sullivan, Red Wolf, Clea T. Waite, Jiabao Li, Honghao Deng, Virgil Widrich, Jules Litman-Cleper, Grant Patterson, Scott Kildall, Chelsea Simmons, Peter Burr, Sandrine Deumier, Kristin Henry, Engin Daglik, Didem Coskunseven, Judit Navratil, Laura Greene, Aamna Dhillon, Anna Landa, Ashley Herr, Ben Hawklyn, Briana Tran, Cathy Zhou, Chiara Martini, Chun Zhou, Cooper Brislain, David Cho, Andrew Woods, Eileen Li, Elvin Yung, Emily Harari, Fadel Fakhouri, gilbert frausto, Gregory Castellanos, Harry Jiang, Hongsuk Ryu, Torquato, Inara Rohde, Irene Kaoru, Jess Liu, Jiahui ZHOU, Joanne Lee, Joanne Wong, Joe Palmieri, Jon Xie, Jonathan Lowe, Jose Palomino-Perez, Justin Chan, Karin Goh, Kewei Zhu, Kiiana Garcia, Lisa Revelli, Marina Mac Cord, Michael Axtell, Michael Darius, Michael Garrigues, Mike Brave, Minjun Kim, Natasha Fountain, nelly nguyen, Rosalie Barnes, Ruby Chen, Russell Jahn, Samantha Simons, Sara James, Sara Lin, Sönke Rohde, Sophia Wang, Stephen Leber, Steve James, Yidong Li, Yiyue Chen, Youna Yang, Jhen-Yue Hu, Yufei Xiao, Yuzi Li, Clara Blume, Danielle Siembieda, Shamsher Virk, Phuong Vu, Sergiu Ardelean, and so many more that I am sure I have missed!

On behalf of the CODAME team, thank you!

Bruno Fonzi




Bruno Fonzi

CTO at TeamSystem ☁ ART+TECH co-fonder at CODAME nonprofit. Espresso, Chocolate, and Gelato lover!