Leadership updates: Froi moving on

Froilán Irizarry Rivera
Code for Puerto Rico


Hello everybody,

I hope you and your loved one are well.

I’ve been involved with Code for Puerto Rico in some way since 2014. Over the past two years, I’ve been working to not only bring CfPR back but to create a healthy, active, and sustainable civic tech community focused on the problems that affect our communities. To that end, a focus of mine was to create an awesome core team that was engaged and believe in the Code for Puerto Rico mission. I believe that with José Padilla and Angimille Latorre we have achieved this and more.

After the last two years and everything we’ve been through with this global pandemic, I need to step away. During the past year I’ve fallen into an unhealthy pattern that has affected my mental health and overall disposition. I’ll be taking time to focus on family, relationships, work, and most importantly myself. While I’ll be stepping back, I’ll still be on the edges of this community. Hopefully I can reach a point where I can come back and be a part of this community in a more healthy way.

Going forward please reach out at team@code4puertorico.org for any questions or thoughts. Let’s give José and Angie the same support you have given me.

Thanks for all your understanding and your support over the past two years. Thanks for answering the call to help nuestra islita.

See you around the internet 👋

Froilán Irizarry Rivera



Froilán Irizarry Rivera
Code for Puerto Rico

Working on being the best internet citizen I can be. Also tech and stuff. Ex Githubber, Code.gov, and USDS.