4 Simple Ways to Refactor Your Python Code

Learn new techniques and optimize your existing code

Jonathan Hsu
Code 85


Photo by calvin chou on Unsplash

Refactoring is the process of updating existing code while functionally remain the same. There are a variety of reasons for refactoring code including performance, readability, and future scalability.

Refactoring is an important part of any coder’s process, not just advanced developers. For the less experienced audience, refactoring code is an excellent opportunity to learn and practice new techniques. Level up from get it done to get it done correctly!

We’ll go over five easy ways to refactor your beginner Python code, explaining the benefits of each and showing before and after code.

Define Functions for Repetitive Tasks

The first and probably most important refactoring we can do is defining functions for repetitive tasks. A function is a defined set of statements that can be executed by using the function’s name — known as a function call.

Functions provide a multitude of benefits, but from the perspective of refactoring, we will reduce the size of our code, improving readability. Additionally, when we need to update the task, it only has to happen in one place — the function’s definition.

