What Is Open Source Software?

You don’t have to be a programmer to know

Ben Soyka
Code 85


Open source software is software that anyone can inspect, change, and share with others.

Code is the part of a program that most users don’t have to see. It shows how the program functions, like a recipe.

When someone makes their code open source, they are letting anyone take a look at it and make changes.

What’s the difference from other types of software?

Some other software is more restricted. This is typically called proprietary or closed-source software.

A couple examples of this are Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop. Both of these were made by separate companies, and their code isn’t shared with the world for anyone to see.

Different programs can also come with different licenses. The license for a program determines how — or if — people can use, share, or change the code.

How can open source software help?

Open source software can help in a myriad of ways. Here are a few:

Control over function

Since users can see and change how the program works, they can have more control over how it works.



Ben Soyka
Code 85
Writer for

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