What’s Brewing in Adobe Labs and How It Can Help Your Brand

Code and Theory
Code and Theory
5 min readApr 12, 2024


Code and Theory shares insights following the Sneaks sessions during this year’s Adobe Summit.

Coming out of Adobe Summit 2024, we’re not going to tell you about the new Firefly AI interactions, GenStudio + Workfront integrations, or all the other topics on Adobe’s site. We want to tell you about what we see coming. For those who have attended past Adobe Summits, their Summit Sneaks sessions are always a crowd-pleaser and the place where they share code-named projects that may or may not make it to production — albeit some do survive within other products.

As usual, Sneaks focused on Firefly generative AI integrations and new workflows this year. A basic rule of thumb: If you and the team have contemplated an AI use case in the last year, Adobe is probably working on an integration. It’s a powerful position for them to be in, and for the first time, we see them with a proper integration plan to bring their software together into their “One Adobe” vision.

Before we get to the Sneaks, we want to point out that generative AI products need the correct data and programming to get the most out of them. We leaned in deep with the Real-Time Customer Data Platform (CDP) team and sessions as we were looking for true data-driven CX to be on the horizon, not just marketing workflows. From loyalty programs to hyper-personalized user journeys to marketing automation, the right first-party data allows us to activate a future where brands can anticipate their customers’ needs.

Summit Sneaks

Hosted by Shaq (yes, that one) — “Sneaks by Shaq” gave us a preview of what’s brewing in the Adobe Labs collection, showcasing potential new features for Experience Cloud.

#ProjectPerfectPlays — Leveraging Adobe Firefly’s generative AI, brands can now quickly generate entire playbooks and execute campaigns just by entering their goals or uploading a brief. It hands them a ready-to-launch playbook filled with audience insights and strategic moves, all within the Adobe Experience Platform. This tool will make launching campaigns smoother and more efficient for teams everywhere.

  • Our Take: This could be a very useful tool for smaller, tactical briefs that are multiregional. Global teams that lean heavily on playbooks for governance will be impressed. Still, we feel Adobe’s technology will eclipse this with Firefly Custom Models and other integrations that will render playbooks relatively useless.

#ProjectGetPersonal — The core value is production speed, allowing anyone to whip up customized visuals and meet customers’ growing expectations for true personalization. With its integration into Adobe Journey Optimizer and the Real-Time CDP, this Sneak is setting brands up to offer truly personalized experiences, whether through websites, mobile apps, emails and more.

  • Our Take: This has always been the promise of scaled content and personalization, and we do see Adobe as the company coming the closest to this vision of a 1:1 content approach. That said, we would love to see more advances in Target and Journey Optimizer to have adaptive or generative approaches to setting up/configuring tests and journeys. The bottleneck now won’t be on the creative but might be on other parts of the platform.

#ProjectReadyClickGo — This project simplifies the process of creating personalized digital experiences, enabling brands to establish their online presence quickly with Adobe Experience Cloud. By inputting a brief description, its AI assistant promptly crafts a website via Adobe Experience Manager, defining audiences within the Adobe Real-Time CDP, launching campaigns through Adobe Journey Optimizer and gleaning insights with Customer Journey Analytics.

  • Our Take: This is the big promise of Adobe software, where prompting can automate an entire sequence with the product suite, fostering seamless interoperability with a wider range of enterprise applications and data sources. We can’t wait to see this in action.

#ProjectBrandSlam — This program aims to transform the approach to brand consistency with generative AI. It automates the alignment of logos, images and text to brand standards and refines assets with campaign insights. This liberates the marketing team from manual oversight, allowing them to concentrate on producing engaging content that resonates with audiences.

  • Our Take: This feature significantly streamlines brand consistency tasks and marks the initial step toward leveraging generative AI for heightened productivity. Future enhancements that focus on enabling more control over branding elements and providing predictive suggestions based on market trends will greatly benefit marketers aiming for dynamic brand management.

#ProjectPromoMojo — This platform quickly matches marketers with influencer-generated content that appeals directly to their target demographics. With Firefly AI, they can dynamically incorporate key brand messages into the different content formats. With this feature, we can amplify branded content more efficiently than ever, achieving campaign goals without breaking a sweat.

  • Our Take: This feature stands out as a promising bridge between marketers and influencer-generated content tailored for precise demographic targeting. In our view, it could evolve to include predictive analytics and ML algorithms that match marketers with the ideal influencer-generated content and anticipate content trends and audience preferences in real-time.

#ProjectMightyMicro — This project enables B2B marketing and sales teams to create custom microsites tailored to their targets, verticals and sectors that they can customize on a grand scale. This simplifies intricate sales processes and captures the attention of specific buyer groups with content and calls to action that are perfectly customized for their industry, role and stage in the buying journey.

  • Our Take: Given B2B marketing teams’ typically limited budgets and resources, having this tool at hand and refining it in AEM gives these typically underserved teams a great new tool (with strong SEO value to boot).

#ProjectInfographIt — This solution streamlines infographic creation with Firefly AI, creating instant design elements that highlight your main points via your data. Thanks to user-friendly options for colors, charts, graphics and animations, you can quickly turn intricate data into captivating, visually appealing infographics.

  • Our Take: This marks a significant, exciting leap in data visualization. By leveraging Firefly AI for instant design elements, we’re looking at a future where data storytelling becomes more intuitive, engaging and accessible across industries, revolutionizing the approach to data-driven decision-making and client presentations.

Interested in learning how you can use Adobe solutions for your business? Let’s Connect.



Code and Theory
Code and Theory

Code and Theory is a leading, technology-first creative agency. It is the only with a balance of 50% creative and 50% engineers at scale.