Our most “important” tool for our generation.

Maria Villa
Code Blossom
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2023

The internet is a worldwide network of linked computers and computer networks.The internet is the greatest instrument for our generation; how we utilize and benefit from it is up to us.It is compatible with a variety of protocols that aid us in our daily chores;In this post, I’ll be guiding you and explaining how the internet works.

How does the internet work?

Really interesting question, and my duty here is to answer it as simply as possible.

The precise answer is somewhat difficult and would take some time to explain. Instead, let’s go over some of the most crucial information you should be aware of.

It is critical to understand that the Internet is a global network of physical lines, which can include copper telephone wires, television cables, and fiber optic cables.

Even wireless connections, such as Wi-Fi and 3G/4G, rely on physical cords to connect to the Internet. When you browse a website, your computer makes a request to a server via these cables. A server is where websites are stored and functions similarly to your computer’s hard disk. Once the request arrives, the server retrieves the website and sends the correct data back to your computer. What’s amazing is that this all happens in just a few seconds.

What are the most important characteristics of the internet and what’s their purpose

The internet has numerous characteristics, and how you use it depends on your personal tastes, but we can all agree that some of them are beneficial to all of us. Here are some of the characteristics that we all use it for.

  • It can be accessed from any device immediately, and messages are transmitted instantly: If you have an emergency and need to contact someone, you can quickly grab your cellphone and use the internet to send a text message.
  • It offers information 24 hours a day, and it can be accessed as long as there is a connection: This is a highly significant characteristic; remember when we had to go to the library to study material for a homework assignment, or when we had to wait for our caregivers to give us a ride to a bookshop simply to perform a simple image search? Now, our most recent generation enjoys the convenience of using the internet to do research without moving a finger; we can access all types of information just by having a mobile phone or a PC with wifi.
  • It doesn’t belong to any entity, and it’s universal and decentralized, so there are no control points at the hierarchical level: You do not have to wait in line to use the wifi; simply connect using the password and you have internet access.

HTTP and HTTPS: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Now that we’ve studied the internet and how to use it, we must understand the difference between HTTP and HTTP. Knowing what stands out between each concept will help you as an internet user use it safely.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): is the foundation of the World Wide Web, and is used to load webpages using hypertext links. HTTP is an application layer protocol designed to transfer information between networked devices and runs on top of other layers of the network protocol stack.

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure): is the primary way to securely send data from a web browser to a website. HTTPS encrypts the data entered into a user’s device to safely deliver it to the website they are interacting with. It also encrypts data going from the website to the browser.

Let’s look at this image to see what the difference is between HTTPS and HTTP, and can you tell me what the difference is between image and HTTPS?

To summarize this blog, the internet has become the tool that we use the most on a daily basis, so we must understand how to use.The more we learn about it, the more it will benefit us in the future.

