5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs SEO

Pankhuri Chauhan
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2019

In the modern era where competition is at its peak, you need to keep your business aloft. Whether you are building a brand-new website or you want to make your current website perform well, you have to take certain necessary actions.

This is where the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is realized. It makes your business visible to billions of people around the world and lets the potential customers reach you.

What is SEO?

It is the process of increasing traffic on the website organically. This is done by ensuring that the website user-friendly, easy-to-navigate, fast, and appears on top of the search engine result pages (SERPs).

It is a complete framework that not only improves the searchability and visibility of websites but also offers other real values discussed later in the article.

Two Types of SEO

There are two types of SEO:

I. On-Page

This includes all the measures that can be taken directly within the website to improve its search engine rankings.

The on-page activities include optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, meta tags, URL structure, body tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.), keyword density, image SEO, internal linking, and more.

II. Off-Page

This includes all the measures that can be taken outside of the actual website to enhance its presence & visibility on search engines by improving its ranking.

The off-page activities include blogging, forum marketing, search engine submissions, directory submission, social bookmarking, link baiting, image sharing, video marketing, business reviews, local listings, and more.

There is yet another type of SEO, E-commerce SEO, which is all about making sure that the product pages appear on top of the organic searches.

Importance of SEO

Being a hub of unlimited information, the internet offers answers to bazillion queries. The real challenge, however, is to bringing your website on the top so that whenever a user searches for any term related to your business, you get the clicks.

1. Improved Page Ranking & Website Traffic

What is the best place to hide a dead body? Second Page of Google!’

This means if you are not on Page 1, you are nowhere. Statistically, users are more likely to click on the top 5 suggestions. So, if you want to attract website traffic, you need to ensure that your website appears at the top.

2. Increased Conversions

The website that is search engine optimized is likely to attract more audience and convert them into loyal customers. The SEO experts optimize its content, including backlinks and citations.

Also, it has been reported that if people find your website by Google search, they are more likely to promote it on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.


3. Improved Buying Cycle

Before buying any product or service, the customer googles it. If your website appears on the top searches, then you have hit the jackpot. Why? Because your chances of getting clicks manifold. And undoubtedly, this will lead to a rigorous buying cycle.

SEO enhances your brand’s visibility and lets potential customers find you.

4. Trust & Credibility

What is the most trusted information source for customers? Google, of course! Being visible on the top Google searches makes your business come across as trusted and credible.

Quality backlink profiles, machine learning signals, optimized on-page elements, content, positive user behavior, and more add to the best SEO.

5. Long-Term Strategy

Unlike other strategies, its results last for many years. It is a long-term strategy and costs less. However, changing trends need to be followed or the results might be lost. The more SEO time and efforts are committed to a website, the longer the results will last.

Final Thoughts

Search Engine Optimization is one of the most beneficial techniques for enhanced web presence and visibility. It’s critical for a website to rank higher in the search results, thereby, attracting traffic towards the business.

I hope the read was informative. Any comments are welcomed in the section below.

