8 Game-Changing Tips To Run A Successful eCommerce Website

Sakshi Ghavri
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2018

Originally published at The Tech Brewery!

More and more entrepreneurs are jumping on the eCommerce bandwagon. It’s not at all surprising when one considers the state of the eCommerce economy. In 2017, the global e-retail sales amounted to 2.3 trillion U.S dollars. If that makes you think that the eCommerce may have reached its apogee, you are wrong. As per Statistic, the total sales from e-commerce are projected to grow up to 4.48 trillion U.S dollars by 2021. That’s enough reason for anyone to try their luck in the eCommerce arena.

While some people have success launching their eCommerce website, many experience failure. Clear indication that success isn’t guaranteed even in the most burgeoning industry. So what’s the point of difference between the thriving and struggling players? Let’s find out in this blog:

1. Sensible Launch

The launch of your eCommerce website has to look steady and sublime as opposed to quick and dirty. That is to say, you should only launch your website once you know that you’ve done the necessary groundwork and there are no loose-ends to it. Internet puts you on the global stage and given the fierce competition in the eCommerce arena, you only get one chance to showcase your best. There’s nothing wrong in purchasing the domain name and putting up a fancy ‘Coming Soon’ message until you prep things up for the big launch. Also, take the time to set up your social media channels and defining a content marketing plan before flirting with thoughts about the launch.

2. Minimum Website Downtimes

Downtime is just not an excuse when you’re on the eCommerce landscape. Each time your website goes down, you lose sales. The damage can be far-reaching; some of your staff will go out of work for the whole duration of the downtime. Your website’s ranking is also bound to suffer if users quickly open and close the website after seeing the downtime error. Finally, there’s the reputational damage, the price of which is difficult to calculate but can’t be undermined. So it’s best to address downtimes early and effectively before they become a cause of worry for you. Investing in a quality backend server can ensure minimal downtime.

3. Innovation Is The Key

As pointed earlier, competition is fierce in the eCommerce arena and no one’s going to notice you if you just came up with a website a better alternative of which already exists on the internet. To make people switch their favourite eCommerce website, you have to bring something new to the table. Businesses rise or brought to a crashing low on the weight of innovation. Think of integrating something like virtual reality, letting users get a better look and feel of the products, or drones for faster deliver just to give yourself an edge over your competitors. However, innovation doesn’t always mean hi-end tech, it could be something as simple as special offers, engaging content and highly personalised mobile apps to invite the user in.

4. Niche Matters

With eCommerce you could sell just about anything. But that doesn’t mean you should. The huge competition in the eCommerce can be too much to handle. So it’s best that you stick to a certain niche. This will also help you forge a way towards your long-term success in the industry. But in order to find that niche, you’ll have to do a whole lot of homework in understanding the choice and preferences of your target audience. Look to get answers through questionnaires and surveys. All in all, it becomes easier to focus and improve your strategy when you have a single target to aim at.

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